Loke/Lucy: Leo Dress

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Loke had only wanted to come home to his beloved contract-holder. However, he did not expect this.

Lucy had just gotten home from a mission, and she had to use her Leo dress during the fighting. She hadn't taken it off, too enamored in its beauty to want to. Of all her outfits, this had to be her favorite. It was her first time seeing it or using it, so she was surprised by how amazing it looked.

She squealed in surprised as she finally noticed a gaping Loke in the room. "L-Loke...what are you doing here?" She was flushed from head to toe at the sight of his predatory gaze.

The lion licked his lips and stalked towards his prey, gripping her hips as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You have no idea how sexy you look in that dress. My dress!" He rumbled in approval.

Lucy couldn't help but shiver as Loke's hands began to roam her body, slowly slipping the dress off her body. "I think this dress would look even better on the floor." He purred as he nipped at her ear, causing her to moan softly.

Her face rivaled Erza's hair as he pulled away. He finished undoing it and watched as the beautiful dress slipped off of her, revealing the lingerie it had been covering.

"Now~ Onto the main course~" Lucy squeaked as she was promptly thrown onto their bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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