Lyon: Runaway Prince

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Honestly, Lyon hadn't planned this. And he definitely didn't want this to happen in the first place. He was trapped. Cornered in the middle of his family, his guild Lamia Scale, and the very people he never wanted to see in his life again. You see...these people called themselves his family, and, sure, they were his blood relatives, but they were far from family.

He shouldn't have let his guildmates drag him into this godforsaken town in the first place. Except he couldn't back out. They'd be suspicious. He couldn't tell them why he never wanted to step foot in this kingdom again.

He couldn't tell them he was the very prince of this kingdom. That his mother was the queen, and his father was the king.

He supposed he should have told them, now that he's trapped like a deer in headlights. The members of Lamia Scale were staring at him with that look. It was the very look he had feared receiving. That look was the reason he never told them. He didn't want to receive that look that held nothing but shock, like they were lied to their whole lives. Like they knew absolutely nothing about him. That wasn't true, though. His guildmates knew close to everything about him, all except for his past.

"Lyon Vastia, I think it's about time for you to come home." The voice of the queen, his mother, rang out in his ears.

He sneered at her, unforgiving. She didn't miss him. She hadn't looked for him all those years ago when he ran away from the kingdom, his birthplace, as a child. She was the very reason he fled. She never cared for him, was never there like a mother should have been. Neither was his father. As a child, he had been abandoned, even though his parents had still occupied the same house as he had. Busy. That's the excuse they had always supplied him with. They were too busy to watch their child grow up- their only child. They were too busy to realize he was gone, too busy to search for him, too busy to show they cared.

"I am home." That was the last thing he would ever say to her. As he walked away with his guild, he realized just how true that was. Lamia Scale and all of its members had never been too busy for him. The were his true family.

He could never leave this family.

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