Lyon/Gray: Exceed

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Lyon really shouldn't have drank the weirdly shaped bottle that had been sitting on the bar in the Fairy Tail guild. He knew that now, as he glared at Natsu and Gray. The rivals were doubled over in a fit of laughter, an arm slung over each other's shoulder as tears flowed from their eyes. They looked up...and laughed even more.

Gray was the first to regain his composure, and Natsu followed not long after. "Wow, Lyon. I never thought you could be so...adorable." The two mages barked out laughs again.

The bottle Lyon had drank from had contained a potion. Seriously, he should have seen it coming. Drinking a suspicious looking bottle of colored liquid in the Fairy Tail guild led to nothing but trouble. What was worse was that no one bothered to stop him. He should've expected that, too. Fairy Tail was reckless; they were always too busy with brawls to notice. Now he was an exceed; he even had the ears and tail to prove it. He had to look up to even face Natsu, and he was one of the shortest males he had ever met!

"Shut up." He hissed. An actual fucking hiss. His pale blue fur stood on end as his onyx eyes glared daggers at the two bumbling idiots in front of him.

Makarov stood on the counter of the bar beside him as he inspected the situation. Seriously, if the old man said 'hmm' one more time, Lyon was going to flip. "Gray," Makarov spoke. "since you're closest to him, you will watch him until the effects of the potion wear off." This time, the short elder turned to face Lyon. "Really, boy, you shouldn't go drinking things without permission." The Lamia Scale mage turned red from embarrassment; it was true.

"Why me?" Gray grumbled, but took Lyon by the wrist and dragged him out anyways. It didn't take long for the two to reach his apartment. Lyon had to admit, he was curious of where his fellow pupil lived.

The apartment was spacious, and the walls were all smoky shades of blues and greys. A large, white, 'L' shaped couch with a glass table in front of it sat in the livingroom. A flat screen lacrima tv was mounted on the wall. Every room was spotless. Lyon couldn't help but marvel at how well everything went together. The mage-turned-exceed felt arms wrap around his tiny body and pick him up as Gray sat on the couch with him in his lap. When the same hand brushed over the fur behind his ear, he startled them both with a loud purr. He could feel Gray's smirk as the ravenette began to pet him.

They lazed around like that for the rest of the day, both dozing into a deep sleep as the sounds of the tv and purrs faded off. This wouldn't be so bad after all, they both thought in sync.

After everything died down, and Lyon was no longer an Exceed, they found themselves closer than ever before, hanging out nearly everyday.

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