Natsu/Lyon: College

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Natsu was never one to think too far ahead, and he certainly didn't plan his future. So when Gray had excitedly stopped him on their walk home together from Fairy Tail High and told him that he had finally gotten accepted into his dream college, Natsu had been heartbroken.

His boyfriend was leaving for a college that was hundreds of miles away, and Natsu still didn't even know what college to apply for. He and his boyfriend were already seniors in high school, so they were supposed to have this planned out. Natsu didn't.

Instead, he put on a forced smile for the sake of his boyfriend. If Gray was happy, then he would be happy for him. After all, Gray's been talking about going to this college for years.

When they reached the driveway to the house that Natsu lived at, alone with his cat Happy since he was an orphan, Gray pulled him in for a gentle kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Their love was strong, right? This was their fourth year as a couple. They wouldn't drift apart over something as trivial as college, would they?

If only Natsu had known.


At graduation, Natsu had seen Gray off with a kiss goodbye and teary eyes. Gray was finally leaving for the college of his dreams, and Natsu was left behind.

Natsu should've been happy. Gray had promised to call, Skype, and text him everyday, and Natsu had finally decided on a college. However, everything was happening so soon, and they hadn't even talked about a long distance relationship.

Natsu should've known it wouldn't work out.


Months passed, and, true to his word, Gray kept in touch. They would call each other to wish a good morning or goodnight, and sometimes just to hear the other's voice.

They would text each other about everything: new friends they've made, classes they were taking, their grades, work, anything that was unimportant to anyone but each other.


When a year passed, that was when things started falling apart.

Gray had completely stopped talking to Natsu. He wouldn't even reply to any messages Natsu sent.

One day, on Gray's birthday, Natsu had sent Gray a text wishing him a happy birthday. When Gray had finally finally replied to him, his heart leapt for joy, only to sink a few seconds later.

'Who is this?' Gray had forgotten about him.

Natsu cried that day.


Another month passed, and Natsu had finally reached his breaking point.

He had to find out if Gray really, truly forgot about him.

So he bought a plane ticket and headed off for a visit to Gray's college. He didn't mind the motion sickness he got from being on moving transportation. It was worth it to see why Gray had completely cut ties with him.

Nothing could have prepared him for the pain he felt when he finally saw his beloved boyfriend, if they were even still that.

There Gray was, in front of the school campus in all his god-like glory, walking hand in hand with a beautiful, blue-haired girl. They leaned in for a kiss, and Natsu had to look away.

Gray had completely forgotten about him and had even found another lover.

The throbbing pain in Natsu's heart was too much to bear, so he did the only thing he could think of.

He ran.


To say Lyon was surprised when a sobbing Natsu appeared on his doorstep was an understatement.

Since Lyon was Gray's older brother and went to the same college as Natsu, the two were close.

"What's wrong, Natsu?" Lyon had asked as he pulled the younger male into his living room to sit down.

When Natsu explained everything to him, Lyon found himself growing angry. How could Gray forget Natsu, the one person who gave him their everything?

Lyon found it unacceptable, so he offered Natsu a place to stay until he felt better. When Natsu agreed to stay for a few days, Lyon nodded and told him to rest. The crying had really taken a toll on the poor, heartbroken pinkette.

Lyon was going to pay his ignorant baby brother a visit.


When Lyon had knocked on the door to Gray's dorm, the younger of the two was shocked.

The shock only grew when Lyon shoved him into the wall and pinned him there with vicious eyes. "How dare you hurt Natsu like that?!"

Gray was confused. "Natsu?"

Lyon sighed and released his brother, running a hand through his silver hair. "He loved you, ya know, and you broke his heart. It seems you've completely forgotten about him." Gray flinched when those harsh eyes glared at him. "Tell me, Gray, how could you forget your own lover?"

That's when Gray remembered. With all of his school work piling up on top of his job, and studying to be an English professor, Gray had completely forgotten about his boyfriend!

Memories of eyes full of burning love and touches of fiery passion filled his mind. How could he have forgotten Natsu, the one person who meant everything to him?! Guilt ate at Gray's heart. "I'm a terrible person."

Lyon snorted. "Yes, you are. He saw you, ya know? You and your new girlfriend. I'd hurry to him if I were you."

Gray did just that.


When Natsu had opened the door to the guest room Lyon had let him borrow, he had expected to see only Lyon, not Gray as well.

Natsu's heart leapt, and he tried his best to hide the tears pooling in his eyes. "Gray..."

His eyes widened when he was pulled into a crushing hug. "I'm so sorry!" Gray cried. "I'm so sorry I forgot about you!!!"

Natsu didn't know what to say. Gray had finally remembered him. He looked at Lyon and mouthed a 'thank you' to which he nodded and left to give them some privacy.

With Gray's tears wetting his shoulder, Natsu soon began to cry with him. Gray jolted. He remembered Natsu, so why was the pinkette crying? He pulled away to look at the face he loved so much. "Why are you crying, Natsu?"

"I...I'm!" Natsu wailed.

Gray laughed and pressed their lips together in a salty, passion filled kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


Gray went back to college the week after.

Unlike last time, they actually managed to remain in touch. They made sure to call each other at least twice a day, and they Skyped everyday.

The distance between them didn't matter so much anymore.

Everything was perfect.

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