On a trip with him pt 2

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It's 6 o'clock and I woke up because of my stupid alarm.
I brushed my teeth and took a shower and dressed up. (pic above )
I applied some mascara and eyeliner to my face and opened my wardrobe.
I took the gift I got for Brent and left my room. I opened Snapchat and took a video of me saying "Happy Birthday Blake I love you". I sent the video to Blake and wore my shoes.
I went to Brent's house and knocked on the door.
He opened the door still sleepy.
I hugged him and wished him a happy Birthday.
I gave him his present and he hugged me back.
"So are you ready to go" I asked him.
"Yes let's go" he said.
We entered his car and I waited for Ashley.
After 10 minutes Ashley entered the car.
"Look who decided to show up" I said.
"Sorry I had to look for something cute to wear and my makeup took like forever" she said.
All I could do at that moment was laugh. She looked at me angrily and I stopped laughing.
On our way to Disneyland we talked about the craziest things ever.
We had a lot of fun and I think Brent did too.
We arrived at Disneyland and Ashley and I were speechless.
I always wanted to go to Disneyland and today my wish came true.
We entered the Haunted Mansion and it was a bit scary but I survived it.
Next we went on the Space Mountain and it was so great I loved it.
After the Space Mountain we all became hungry we went to a pizzeria and ordered food.
Brent ordered a salami pizza Ashley ordered a sausage pizza and I ordered a spinach pizza.
After eating we went to the store.
I got Brent a t-shirt I mean it was his birthday.
I bought two mini mouse ears so did Ashley.
After shopping some things Ashley went to the restroom and Brent and I talked a bit.
"Thanks for the present" he said.
"No big deal" I said.
I stared into Brent's eyes as Ashley came back with a boy.
I looked at Brent then Ashley and the guy.
"Guys this is Xander he's really nice" she said.
"Hey nice to meet you Xander " I said.
"Same" Brent said.
"Nice to meet you guys"he said.
Who was that Xander guy he's like a year older than Ashley.
He's really tall and he has brown eyes.
Ashley and Xander went into a small cafe. Brent and I didn't want to disturb them so we went to the Alice in Wonderland ride and it was nice I held Brent's hand the whole time we used like four more rides.
It was dark and Brent and I stood in front of the Disney castle.
Brent gave a girl his phone and whispered something something into her ear.
The girl nodded and smiled.
Brent came back to me I asked him what he said but he didn't answer.
Brent pecked my lips and I froze. The girl was still there taking pictures.
We walked to the car and I sat at the back I called Ashley and she entered the car.
"I got his number he doesn't live far from us" she said screaming.
"Congrats" I said.
On our way home all I could think of was Brent's lips touching mine.
He was so sweet to me I think I really like this guy.
Brent pulled up on our porch and I told him goodnight.
I entered the house and took a shower. I sat on the bed and saw a message from Blake
Blake😍: Thanks I love you too.
Today was a good day I went to my gallery and looked at the pictures I took. At Disneyland I took like 20 pictures.
I charged my phone and drifted asleep.

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