New school

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My eyes hurt so bad I can't believe it.
He's making out with that blond chick from the last time
Seriously what's wrong with him he can't just play with my feeling I'm a human not an object.
I went home and sat on my bed just thinking.
What should I do ?
I took my guitar and played superficial love by Ruth B.
'That superficial love thing got me going crazy.
Baby if you want me then you better need me cause I'm so done with not being your number one'.
I heard a knock on my door I opened it and I saw my sister standing there.
"Hey dinner is ready" she said.
Dinner it feels like time just flew by.
I headed downstairs and sat on the table.
My mom made homemade pizza.
At least this could make me happy.
I ate quickly and rushed into my room. I opened Netflix on my Laptop and watched 13 reasons why
After two episodes I switched off my tv and drifted asleep.


I woke up a bit sad because of what had happened yesterday.
It was 6 am and I brushed my teeth and took a shower I dressed into something nice (pic above).
I asked Ashley to braid my hair and she did it pretty nice.
After dressing and etc my mom drove me to school.
We went to the secretary and she gave me my schedule.
First period Maths ok not that bad.
In class my teacher Mrs.Timeflies asked me to introduce myself in front of the whole class.
I told them my name and my age where I'm from and why I came to California.
While I introduced myself I saw a familiar face.
Guess who
Lexi it was Lexi Rivera if she's attending this school that means that Brent is also in this school right?
"Alexis you can sit next to Lexi" the teacher said.
I knew Lexi so I smiled at her and sat next to her.
Maths wasn't that bad as I said.
Mrs.Timeflies is really nice she's much nicer than my old teacher Mrs.Greenfield.
After math I had biology and biology was really boring.
The teacher looks boring she dressed boring and worst of all she talks so slow.
Biology was finally over and I went to my locker.
I saw someone coming up to me.
It was a girl with Brown hair.
"Hey my Name is Olivia and I see you're new"she said
"Yeah is it that obvious?" I asked
"Well yeah" nice to meet you give me your phone so I can give you my phone number" she said.
I did as she asked me and then I showed her my schedule and we had English together.
On our way to the classroom I saw Brent.
Please don't come close to me please.
As lucky as I am Brent came up to me.
"Hey"he said.
I took his hand and drew him into the janitors closet.
"Hey is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked.
"No why? " he asked.
"Ok do you like me?"I asked
"Yes I do" he answered.
"Then why are you lying to me?" I asked.
"What why am I lying?"he asked.
"I saw you kissing a blond girl" I said.
"Oh you saw that" he said.
"Obviously I did because if I didn't see it I wouldn't be asking you" I said.
"Well I'm sorry but she's my girlfriend" he said.
Really he's such an idiot why would he do this to me?
"You have a girlfriend and you made out with me ?" I asked.
He hugged me and tried to comfort me but I pushed him away.
"Goodbye Brent" I said exiting the closet.
What an idiot I don't want to talk to him anymore.
I saw Olivia waiting for me and she told me to hurry up because we only had a minute left.
English was boring af the teacher had no sense of humour.
She took everything to serious.
After English lunch finally came.
I sat next to Olivia and Lexi.
Lexi is really nice we exchanged numbers.

~Skip school it's boring~
After school Lexi Oliva and I met by my locker.
"So girls do you wanna hang at my place?" Lexi asked.
"Yeah" said Olivia.
I wasn't sure if I should say yes or no I was scared that I would face Brent.
"I'm not sure I think I have to go home" I said.
"Oh why you can stay with Brent if you want" she suggested.
"No trust me it's the last thing I want" I replied.
"Oh so you and Brent have an argument?" she asked.
"I think you can call it an argument" I replied.
We walked to the school bus and sat at the front.
In the school bus we talked a lot and I ended up sitting on Lexis bed.
We did our homework together.
"Soo do you guys have a crush?"
Olivia asked.
"No I don't really know anyone here" I said.
"Please stop lying I know you like Brent" Lexi said.
I blushed and looked down.
"He has a girlfriend so it won't work between the both of us" I said a bit sad.
"Don't be sad you could still be a perfect couple" Lexi said.
"Are you even listening to youself Lexi" I said laughing.
"Yeah haha are you guys hungry?" Lexi asked.
"Yeah I'm starving" said Olivia.
"No not really" I said.
We went to the kitchen and Lexi ordered a pizza.
"I'm thirsty I'm going to drink some water" I said.
I went to the cupboard and took a cup I filled it with water.
We went to the living room and watched a movie.
Elsa sang 'Let it go' and we all sang along.
The doorbell rang and I stood up and Lexi gave me money.
I thought the pizza was already here but as I opened the door I saw Brent standing there.
"Oh hi" he said.
"It's Brent not the pizza guy" I screamed so Lexi would hear me.
I left the door open so Brent could enter.
I sat on the couch and ignored Brent.
There was a knock on the door and I took the money from the table and opened the door.
This time it was a pizza man.
I paid him and took the pizza.
I gave Lexi the change and the pizza.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed three plates.
I turned around and saw Brent.
I stood there looking at him I wasn't going to talk to him never.
I may look calm but I'm stubborn.
"Hi" he said.
I eyed him from head to toe and rolled my eyes.
He came closer to me and I stepped back.
"Why aren't you talking to me?" he asked.
I ignored him and went to the sitting room.
I gave Lexi the plates.
I ran upstairs grabbed my stuff.
I closed Lexi's door and went downstairs.
"I'm going see you guys tomorrow" I said.
"Why are you going so early" Olivia asked.
"Yeah at least eat with us" she offered.
At that moment Brent came from the kitchen.
"No thank you" I said.
I left her house and went into my house.
I sat on my bed and sang.

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