Chapter 20

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"Oh fuck off you stupid thing"I growled.
I was in such a bad mood.
What is wrong with me.
I went to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes.
" Oh shit whyyyy" I screamed.
Stupid period why today?
I hate periods because I always eat like someone who hasn't eat in a year.
I showered and did my usual step-by-step routine but today I didn't use any makeup.
I went downstairs and grabbed not one but three ice cream sandwiches.
I ate about two when I heard the doorbell.
I opened it and faced Brent.
"What" I said harshly.
"Why are you so grumpy?" he asked.
"I don't know sorry" I said smiling.
"You're forgiven"he said.
I hugged him thigh as possible.
I grabbed my ice cream sandwich and hopped in the passenger seat.
"Yo where is Lexi?" I asked.
"She's not feeling well" he answered.
I nodded and gave him a smile.
On our way to school I scanned his facial features.
Beautiful brown eyes, long lashes, handsome smile and his jawline ahh they are so sharp I could use them to cut a peace of wood.
"You're so handsome" I said.
Oh shit did I just said that out loud.
"Um thank you" he said.
I could see him blushing which made him even cuter
"We are here" he screamed.
"Brent I'm the only one here no need to scream" I chuckled.
"Soo babe what do you have now?" he asked leaning.
"So you're calling me babe now" I said smiling.
"Yeah" that was his answer.
"I have Maths right now" I said.
"Same" he said.
"You're just cute we need to go" I said.
I grabbed my bag and we headed to class together.
On our way to class I received a lot of stares. It made me feel uncomfortable.
In class Brent's girlfriend eyed me from head to toe like what's up with her?
I ignored her and walked to Olivia who was luckily in my class.
I sat on a chair and I felt a bit dizzy.
Suddenly I had a strong heartache.
My head hurts so much and my stomach hurts even more.
Olivia noticed that I didn't feel well and asked me if I was ok.
"Period" I answered.
She nodded and I knew she felt sorry.
"Good Morning class" greeted our teacher Mrs.Timeflies.
Soon everyone was on their seat and class finally started

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"So class I'm going to partner some of you.
Stacy and Logan....Fiona and Derek and Alexis and Chris
Your assignment is to make a lecture about a famous mathematician" she said.
I turned to Chris and smiled to myself.
The bell rang which means that we can leave class.
"Soo Alexis my house or your house?" he asked holding my waist.
"Umm my house"I suggested and he nodded meaning that it's ok with him.
I felt so much better when I was with Chris.
"Where to next?" I asked.
"I have English" he said with no emotions.
"Aww is English that bad?" I asked.
"Yes it is" he fake cried.
"Darling don't cry" I laughed giving him a long hug.
We went to my locker and I placed all of my stuff in it.
"So what do you have next?"he asked.
"P.E" I said smiling.
Chris squished my cheeks and smiled at me.
"Well I better start heading to class" he said.
I hugged him goodbye and went to the gym.
I opened the gym door and I met  Lizzy aka Brent's girlfriend.
"Hey" I said approaching her.
"Hey I have to ask you something" she said she looked really pissed and serious.
I nodded and I went to the teacher.
"Miss I can't take part today period" I whispered.
"No problem you're dismissed" she said handing me a sheet of paper.
I kept it in my pocket and walked out of the gym.
What am I going to do now?.
I called Blake and luckily he answered his phone.

Blake: Hey
Me: Hi
Blake: Aren't you suppose to be in school?
Me: I'm in school but I have to wait an hour till my next class
Blake: I'm going to pick you up
Me: You don't know which school I attend
Blake: Do you attend the same school as Brent?
Me: Yeah why?
Blake: see ya
Me: Bye love you
Blake:Umm love you too haha?
Ok the last part made me laugh hysterically.
I heard a car pull up so I faced the car and drooled.
Omg I love this car it's a Range Rover.
One of my favourite cars but I also love Jeeps.
Soon the driver of the car came out.
"Alexis hurry up now" I heard.
I grabbed my stuff which was just my purse and ran to the car.
I hopped in it and faced Blake.
"Hey nice car" I said smirking.
"Yeah it's Cameron's" he answered.
"Ohh I love this car"I said.
"I know right where to?" Blake asked.
"To the mall" I said posing like a superhero which made Blake laugh.
"Yes me lady" he said smiling.
"Blake please play some music"I begged him.
He switch on the radio and my song came on 'Treat you better".
"Omg that's my jam" I screamed.
I opened Snapchat and used the dog filter while I sang along.
Shawn is my bae.
"Promise I'll never let you down" I sang as loud as possible.
"I love your voice" said Blake.
"Um thank you" I said looking down at my shoes I knew I was going to blush.
"Now that's cute Miss Alex is blushing" he said.
"Stop already Mr.Flirt"I said looking at him.
"What can I say the lady's love me" he said.
"You wish" I chuckled.
He rested his hands on my tight and looked at me for a second before he faced the road.
I felt my face getting red and hot why is he doing this?
"As I said the lady's can't get enough of me"he said squishing my tights.
I looked at him and saw him smirking.
"Do you think this is funny?"I asked.
"Yeah kida" he replied.
I took his hand off me and placed small kisses on it.
He tried his best focusing on the road but I knew it wasn't that easy.
"We are here" I said letting go of his hand.
We walked to forever 21.
"What do you wanna buy?" Blake asked.
"A dress for the party" I said.
"So you're coming ?'' he asked.
"You ask way to many questions" I said winking at him.
I searched for dresses and after 20 minutes I found the perfect one.
I went to a dressing room to try it on.
"Blake can you pls help me" I screamed.
Blake entered looked at me smiling.
"Please tie this for me" I begged.
"Sure" he replied.
He tied it for me and I turned to him.
"Do I look good?"I asked.
"You always look good"he said.
Rolling my eyes I pushed him out and stripped off the dress and wore my actual clothes.
I went to the cashier and when I was about to pay Blake gave her the money.
The woman smiled and looked at us.
I took the bag and went to Blake's car.
"Blake hurry I have to be in school in 10 minutes" I screamed.
The car ride to school was really silent.
The only thing making noise was the radio.
As Blake pulled up in front of my school grabbed my things and got out of the car when I was about to close the door I faced Blake.
"Thank you for paying and all Mr.Flirt" I winked he smiled and nodded.
I entered school and went to my locker.
"Hey "
I shut my locker and faced the person that just greeted me.
"Oh it's you Brent" I said.
"Nice to see you too"he said.
"Sorry" I said.
"What do you have now?" he asked.
"Chemistry" I answered.
"So does Chris" he said.
"And?" I questioned.
"Nothing" he said.
"Where is Lizzy?"I asked.
"My girlfriend Lizzy I don't know why" he asked.
"She wanted to talk to me" I shrugged.
"Bye I have to go to class" I said.
I hugged him and went to the lab.


"Chris shut up" I said laughing.
"I can't I'm hungry and lunch is in a minute or so" he said.
"Aww Chris needs food" I said rubbing his tummy.
"Yeah I need food" he said mocking me.
Finally the bell rang and we were off to lunch.
We walked to my locker and I placed my books in there.
We linked arms and walked to the cafeteria.
"Chris we look silly"I said smiling.
"Yeah" he said laughing.
We were in line and all I took was an Apple and a cheesecake with water.
"Alexis aren't you hungry"I heard Chris ask.
"No I'm ok I don't like school food" I said.
He nodded and we went to the table.
Everyone was already there except Lizzy.
"You guys decided to show up huh?" Olivia asked.
"Whatever hey" I said.
We sat down and enjoyed each others company when Lizzy matched angrily to Brent.
"Hey why are you?" Brent started but he soon got cut off.
"Can I talk to you?" she asked really angry.
They walked out together and I looked at Chris and he shrugged.

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