Chapter 17

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My phone was ringing.
I grabbed it and answered the call didn't look who called me.

After hey I knew who it was it was Blake.
Me:Hi Blake
Blake: Hey can you meet me?
Me: Yeah I need some distraction.
Blake:ok meet me by the Huntington park.
Me: I'll be there right away.
I grabbed my jacket my phone and my keys.
I ran to the park and I eminently spotted Blake.
I sprinted over to him and jumbed on his back.
"Hey I really missed you" I said.
"Oh hey Alexis how are you?" he asked.
"I'm fine let's go to my house"I said grabbing his wrist.
I held his hand and took him to my house.
As lucky as I am we saw Brent.
"Hey isn't this Brent?" Blake asked.
"Umm yeah but let's not talk about him" I stuttered.
He nodded and I walked home.
I wasn't going to tell Blake what Brent did it's too private.
At my house I ordered a pizza.
I took all types of candy into the living room.
I opened Netflix and we watched the walking dead.
Our pizza arrived and I paid the pizza man.
I switched off the tv and brought two plates from the kitchen.
"Let's eat and talk" I said.
I laid my head on his lap.
I took a bite of my pizza and looked at him.
"What's going on between you and Brent?" Blake asked.
"Umm I don't want to talk about it" I said.
"Oh well how's Ashley?" he asked.
"She's doing well how about Ariel?" I asked.
"She's in Florida with her Family but she visits me sometimes" he said.
"Ok where are you staying?" I asked.
"With my friend Cam"he answered.
"Cool it's nice to see you again" I said kissing his cheeks.
He hugged me and i laid my head on his lap.
He played with my hair and I fell asleep.
I woke up in my room next to Blake.
I took a picture and saved it.
I heard the doorbell ring so I went downstairs.
Ashley sat on the couch and ignored the fact that someone was ringing the doorbell.
"Go and get it" she said.
I rolled my eyes and saw Brent standing there.
I looked at him with a blank face.
I wasn't smiling and I didn't look surprised.
You know that look that tells someone that you are not interested exactly that look.
"Hey" he said.
"Hi" I mumbled.
Seconds later Blake stood next to me.
"Alexis I've got to go see you" he said hugging me and kissing my cheek.
"See you I'll text you" I said.
"Why are you here" I asked Brent.
"I want to talk to you" he answered.
"Oh ok so you want to talk to me and hurt my feelings is this what your trying to tell me ?" I snapped.
"No please listen to me" he said.
"I don't know if I should convince me" I said.
"I can't stay without you I need my friend. I have to talk to you I need your company"he said.
"Umm is that all?"I asked.
"Yeah" he said sadly.
"I miss you too but you are so complicated I don't know what to do" I said, while a tear ran down my face.
Something you guys need to know about me is that I don't cry that often.
I only cry when I'm frustrated or angry.
"Alexis you can trust me I won't hurt you" he said.
"I really want to trust you Brent" I said.
He stood up and wiped my tears with his sweater.
I really missed his hugs and all of him.
"I'm sorry for acting like that" I said.
"It's okay let's forget about it.
It's getting late you better get some rest I'll drive you to school" he said.
I hugged him goodbye and went to bed.
I listened to music and drifted asleep.

I've made a diction.
I'll post a new chapter every Saturday.
Thank you so much for your patience.
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