Shawn Mendes baby

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A/N Stupid me accidentally deleted the chapter of the Shawn Mendes show. I freaked out at first but it wasn't good anyways so I'm posting it again but better.

Alexis Pov

"Blake wait" I ran up to him and smashed my lips on his.
He responded by kissing back.
I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.
"I'll miss you Blake" I smiled.
"Come visit me soon" he ordered.
Nodding I walked back to Cameron.
"So you and Blake" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.
Pushing him lightly I walked to his car.
He pulled up and 40 minutes later I was at home.
I ran into my room and looked for something nice to wear.
It took me an hour to find a yellow sweater and a black skirt.
I took a shower and dressed up after that I did my makeup and slipped on my black leather high boots.
Looking at my watch i smiled in pride 2 hours is a new record.
"Alexis the dude's here" my sister yelled.
I rolled my eyes knowing who she meant with the dude.
Before I left my room I grabbed my phone and purse.
"Hey Chris" I smiled
"Hi Alexis" he replied smiling.

We walked to his car and drove to the arena where the concert was going to be.
He pulled up and parked his jeep in an empty spot.
"Shawn Mendes here I come" I smiled.

"Hey I'm Alexis" he smiled at me.
"Are you from England?" he asked.
"Yeah how'd you know?" I asked smiling.
"I know everything just kidding your accent" he smiled.
I could feel the heat rush up to my face.
"Oh yeah I forgot since I've been living here it's pretty hard to speak like Americans" I smiled.
"Keep your accent it makes you who you are" he smiled again which made me blush.
"Chris could you please take a picture" I asked handing over my phone.
"Yeah sure" he smiled.
I hugged Shawn's side and posed for the picture.
"Here you go"
"You're also not from here right?" Shawn asked Chris.
"No I'm from Canada" he laughed shaking his head.
"I knew it" Shawn laughed.
"See you guys soon have fun at the show" Shawn said.
"See you soon in front of the altar" I mumbled.
"What was that" shawn asked
"Oh what nothing hah" I blushed.
"Well that was close" I looked at Chris who was laughing his ass off.
"You were red as a tomatoe" he laughed.
"Shut up no one's ever going to hear or else I'll cut your tongue" I threatened.
Nodding his head slowly he stopped laughing at me.


"So baby be the life of the party" Shawn sang.
"Thank you California" he smiled and walked away.
"Take my hand so i won't lose you" Chris yelled over the volume of people's cheers.
As soon as we were out of the arena I took a deep breath in.
"Thank you Chris" I smiled while hugging him.
"Yeah no problem" he laughed.
He ushered me to his car and locked it.
"So are you and Brent ok?" I questioned.
"No he won't talk to me and i don't know why but if he wants to throw our friendship away then that's how it is" he rolled his eyes.
"What happened to Lizzy after the incident?"
"She went home with Brent doing what ever so what did your father say?" he asked this time referring to the watch him and Brent broke.
"My dad's still on a trip and Brent and Olivia won't talk to me like I've tried to talk to them and they don't say anything but oh well I don't care my best friend's coming very soon and I'll forget them eventually" I sighed.
He pulled up at my driveway and looked at me.
He escorted me to my door and looked at me.
"So I wanted to ask you Alexis would you like to be my girlfriend? "

A/N still treatable and shitty but if I'm done with my second book I'll edit it.
My second book is way better than this one.
Even though this chapter is a mess I'm happy that it's better than the last one.
I dont know what was wrong with me was I bling or stupid to upload that thing.
Well anyways next week there's a new chapter stay tuned for that ly ❤❤

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