Chapter 21

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Brent's Pov
Lizzy grabbed my hand and we walked out of the cafeteria.
"Why are you angry" I asked.
"What's going on between you and Alexis?" she asked.
"What why do you think that there's something going on between us?" I asked shocked.
"I saw her in your car today and she was blushing and smiling" she said sad.
"We are just friends" I explained.
I hugged her and pecked her lips.
We walked back to the cafeteria.

Alexis' Pov
"Hey there is a party tonight are you guys coming?" I asked hoping that they'll go.
"Yeah sounds good"I heard Chris and Caleb say.
Olivia nodded meaning she'll go.
Then Brent and Lizzy came back and I asked them if they wanted to come to a party and they said yes.
"I'll text you guys address and time bye" I said standing up and pulling Chris with me.

"Alexis" I heard someone scream.
I cringed and held Chris' hand.
He stopped walking and I faced Brent.
"Yeah?" I asked.
He dragged my hand and led me to the janitors closet.
"Why are we here?"I asked.
No answer.........
"Brent hello?"
No answer........
"Do you like Chris?" he asked.
"Umm I don't know why?" I asked.
"Just curious " he said.
"You're not curious" I said.
"Brent are you jealous?" I asked laughing.
"Noo why do you think So?" he asked.
"No need to be jealous you know who I like"I said winking.
I went out of the janitors closet and walked to Chris.
"So what were you talking about?" he asked.
"Oh nothing" I said.
I opened my locker and grabbed my Biology books.
"Where to next?" I asked.
"I have P.E and you?" he asked.
"Biology" I said.
"Ok see you later" he said kissing my cheek.
I blushed a little and shaked it off.
On my way to biology class I heard someone calling my name.
Lizzy approached me and she really looked pissed.
"Leave my boyfriend alone" she said.
"What do you mean?" I asked to be honest I was a bit confused.
"Don't act so dumb I know you like him and I know he likes you but to be honest with you I don't know what he sees in you" she spat.
"Seriously don't disturb me and trust your boyfriend" I spat back.
"You can't tell me what to do" she said.
"No I can't you're right" I said entering the class.
"Class today's topic is the human body" said our teacher.
"So that's why you need use protection" said our teacher.
The bell rang and I was soo so happy.
"Thank God" I said.
"Alexis I'm sorry" said Lizzy approaching me.
"I was afraid that Brent will leave me for you" she said.
I hugged her and told her that I understand.
Don't get me wrong I understand but I don't like her anymore.


"Make sure you bring your homework" said our teacher.
I walked to the parking lot and waited for Brent.
I wish I could change my life.
Moving to California sounded great but I miss London.
I use to see my parents more often but now they are so busy.
"Fuck my life" I mumbled to myself.
"Hey can we go?"
I jumbed a bit and held my chest
"Omg Brent" I said.
"Did I scare you?" he asked.
I nodded and entered his car.
We drove home in silence.
It wasn't awkward but peaceful.
I looked out of the window a bit bored.
"Oh Brent you coming to the party?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm going but not long" he said.
He pulled up by my house and I hugged him goodbye.
I ran home and unlocked the door.
"Ashley you home?" I screamed.
No response.
Home alone again uhh.
I searched for food and made myself Ramen noodles.
I sat on the couch and are while I watched Riverdale.
Instantly I texted Blake when the party would start he said 8 o'clock.
Quickly texted everyone and told them that the party would start by 8.
It was currently 4 o'clock and I was bored af.
Fast I wore my Vans and grabbed my keys and phone.
Inhaling the fresh air I walked to the park and sat on the floor.
My head rested on my knees and felt tears streaming down my face.
I'm crying I'm sad,confused, lonely and angry at the same time. Why?
Minutes later I felt arms around me comforting me.
I didn't want to look up I just wanted to stay close to the person comforting me.
I wiped my tears away and looked up.
"Are you better now" he asked.
"Yes I am" i replied.
"Let me take you home" he grabbed my hand and walked me home.
"Thank you Chris" I said smiling.
"No problem" he said squishing my cheek.
"I'll pick you up by 7:30 ok?" he said.
I nodded and hugged him.
"Bye love you and don't forget to smile" he said.
"Bye love you too" I said closing the door.
I laid on the couch and drifted asleep.

My eyes fluttered open and I felt someone next to me.
I turned and saw Chris aww.
He looked so cute asleep I grabbed my phone and looked at the time it's literally 8:15.
Without a word I ran into my room and took a shower I changed into the dress Blake bought me earlier.
I straightened my hair and applied some makeup to my face.
It was 9 by now and I took my purse with my Phone and keys.
"Chris wake up" I shaked him so he would wake up.
"Alexis are you ready?" he asked.
"Yes wait who let you in?" I asked.
"Your sister i assume" he said.
I grabbed my things and his hand and we walked to his car.
I hopped inside and he started the engine.
"Why were you crying earlier?" he asked I knew he was serious.
"I don't know"I said.
"Please don't cry again I hate seeing people cry" he said he held my hand and smiled.
I looked down at our hands and blushed.
"It's this house there"I said pointing to the large house.
He pulled up and we entered the house.
"Soo when are we leaving" I asked.
"Umm by 11" he suggested.
"Ok we'll meet here ok?" I asked.
"Yeah don't accept drinks from someone" he said.
"Haha Chris I don't think there will be alcohol" I said.
"Ok let's go" he said.
I knocked on the door and looked at Chris.
Cameron opened the door and hugged me.
I entered the house and there were like 100 people there.
"So where is Blake?"I asked.
"Somewhere there" Cameron pointed upstairs.
"Chris look Brent and Olivia are already here" I said pointing at them.
He nodded and we walked up to them.
I hugged Olivia and she hugged back.
"Wow you look great" she said.
"Why you too" I said.
"Thanks so this Cameron guy he looks cute" she said.
"Yeah whatever" I said.
"How old is he" she asked.
"I don't know 22" I replied.
"Oh ok four years no problem so you and Chris eh?" she said wiggling her eyebrows.
"I don't know" i said looking if Chris was near us but thank God he was next to Brent.
"I don't know I ....." I started but I got cut off cause someone hugged me from behind.
"Alexis" I heard him say.
"Blake is this you?" I asked.
"Yeah it's me" he said.
"Let me introduce you to my friends" I said.
"So this is Olivia and this two over there are Brent and Chris" I said pointing at them.
"Nice to meet you" he said shooking their hands.
"So I want you to meet some of my friends" said Blake.
"This is Jacob" he said pointing at a brunette boy.
"You met Hunter before he's my bestfriend" he said.
"Then there is Trey and Taylor" he said.
"This is Cameron and Aaron they are like big brothers to me"
"So what do you want to do?" he asked.
"I don't know" I answered.
I went back to Olivia and the boys.
"So who's that guy huh?" she asked.
"Omg shut the fuck up" I said.
"Do you like him and where do you know him from?" she asked again.
"I visited my grandparents in Texas and he's their neighbour and he has a girlfriend" I said.
"Oh ok wanna dance?" she asked.
"Yes please" I said dragging her to the dance floor.
The dj did some good work he's remixes were the best.
And the best song of all was No frauds ahh
It got to hot for me and I went outside.
I was literally suffocating.
Outside was filled with teenagers smoking uhh.
I hate that smell eeww it was gross.
I looked at the time on my phone.
10:30 I can go home already right?
I walked back inside and said goodbye to the Blake and his Friends and took their phone number 'Savage' I know.
Next I walked over to the guys and told them that I wanted to leave.
We walked up to Chris' car and drove home.

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