Chapter 19

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"Let's play a game" said Lexi.
"Brent let me look at your face" I said.
"Umm ok" he said sitting next to me.
I looked at his lips eyes and all.
"Let me do your makeup" I suggested.
"Yes totally" said Lexi.
"No way my face doesn't need makeup" he sassed.
"Wait for me" I said I ran into my house and brought makeup I haven't used because I don't like makeup.
"So Brent where is your beautiful face" I asked
"It's here" he said blushing.
"Well I brought make-up I haven't used Ashley bought it for me" I said very happy.
I dragged him up to his room and locked his door.
"Let's start shall we?" I asked.
"I'm not sure if I want you to do my makeup" he said.
"Aww Brent you can trust me" I said.
"Ok let me set everything" he said.
After setting his camera, microphone etc we started his video.

~filming the vido
"Hey guys what's up and welcome to my new video today I have a special guess Alexis" said Brent.
"Hi" I said.
"So today Alexis is going to do my makeup because she really wanted to do it" he said laughing.
"Yeah this beautiful face is going to be better than beautiful" I said laughing.
All Brent did was chuckle.
"Let's start wait Alexis you're doing my makeup but I want to do your makeup too" he said.
"Umm if this video gets 500 thousand thumps up then yes" I said.
"So first of all I'm going to apply some foundation" I said while applying it.
"Now I'm going to use powder
Brent you look beautiful" I laughed.
"Next eyeliner and mascara plus fake eyelashes" I smiled.
"After all this it's time for lipstick colour red" I said putting lipstick on his lips.
"Can I please highlight your face?" I asked.
"Highlight what that?" he asked and laughed.
"You'll see"I said while applying highliter to his face.
"Finish here's a mirror Chris come up here right now"I screamed.
I unlocked the door and Chris entered the room.
"What's going omg Brent hhahaha" he laughed.
"I know right" I laughed.
"Good job" he said he gave me a high five and took a picture.
"Guys I'm still here" said Brent.
"Oh yeah" I said walking back to him.
I gently sat on his well made bed and he filmed the ending of his video.
"So guys thanks for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day" he said.
He switched off the camera and faced me and Chris who was still standing there admiring my makeup skills.
"Hey umm Brenita let's take a selfie" I said grabbing my phone from my pocket. I took the picture and sent it to my friend Brooklyn trough Snapchat.
I helped Brent remove his makeup.
It took us about 20 minutes to remove his makeup.
I heard my phone ring and I instantly answered it.

M:Hi Blake
B:I'll be at your place in twenty minutes
M:Oh ok Ashey and her boyfriend will be there to open the door.
B:Ok see ya
I went to Brent and kissed him good bye (on his cheek I still have my pride)
I hugged Caleb,Chris and Lexi as well.
I sprinted home and changed into a black Adidas crop top with a pink bomber jacket and black pants.
I redid my makeup so it would look fresh.
I heard the doorbell and voices from downstairs.
I was sitting by my makeup mirror as I heard a loud knock on my door.
"It's open" I screamed.
Blake entered my room and jumped on my bed.
"Comfy? " I asked.
"Yes come and join me" he suggested.
"Bæ can't you see I'm busy?" I asked.
"Omg please take off that makeup please I beg you" he screamed.
"Why? Is it ugly? Too much highlighter or mascara?" I asked worried.
That's why I don't like using makeup I get judged every fucking time.
"Noo you don't need this you're beautiful without makeup"he said.
"Aww you're so sweet but I'm still leaving it on I think my highlighter is popping and my brows are on fleek"I said laughing.
I normally don't use all these words in front of Guys.
"Yeah totally you slay"he said.
"Haha boy I know" I said boldly
Where did all these confidence come from?.
"So Do you know what would slay even more?"Blake asked.
"Noo but I'm not sure if I want to know never mind tell me" I said.
"Well your lips on mine" he said.
I felt my jaw drop and I looked at Blake.
I stood up and approached him.
I sat on his lap and kiss his cheek.
I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of my lipstick staine on his cheek.
"Soo cheesy you're so cheesy" I laughed.
We went downstairs and I saw Ashley and Xander talking.
"Ashley I'm going out see you two bye"
I said grabbing two popsicles from the  freezer.
I handed one to Blake and we entered his car.
"Darling please turn up the volume" I said to Blake.
There's Nothing Holdin me back was playing I love that song.
I love Shawn Mendes he's my boo.
I sang and danced to the music.
That's why I love his music I end up smiling every time I listen to his voice.
It makes me happy and let's me forget about my problems.
"Hey nice voice" he complimented me.
"Uhh thank you for omg side to side" i screamed.
I swear I love that song it's my jam.
I kept on singing/screaming.
I love car rides with friends their the best.
Blake pulled up at a large house with a  swimming pool as big as a half football stadium.
"So this is my friend Cameron's house he and his friends are here"he explained.
"Oh ok" I nodded.
I opened the car door and walked with Blake to the porch.
Blake called someone and a black haired boy opened the door he wasn't older that 18 I think.
His hair was messed up he hid it with his snapback.
"Hey Aaron this is Alexis" I heard Blake say.
"Hey nice to finally meet you" he smiled stretching his hand to shook mine.
As polite as I am I schoked his hand and told him it was nice to meet him too.
Blake and I entered the house and it was bigger inside.
"So let me introduce you to the other guys" he said.
I heard a loud noise and I assumed it was the guys.
They were really loud they sounded like 5 year old kids.
I got shocked as the door opened.
I looked at Blake and he gave me a sign to walk in.
I followed him into the room and all I could see were boys.
Boys everywhere one on the bed two fighting on the floor.
Two sat on the couch filming the fighting boys.
This room was a mess and it was a funny mess.
The boys didn't seem to notice Blake which wasn't surprising because they were too loud.
One came out of the bathroom shirtless.
He looked like the oldest but he still seemed young.
"Guys Blake is here" said the shirtless boy.
I did my best to not stare I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks so I quickly turned to Blake.
The boys all looked at me like I was some type of stature.
"Hey guys this is Alexis" said Blake.
"Hey" I said shyly
Some hey's and hi's filled the room.
"Hey my Name is Cameron and this are Hunter and his younger brother Brandon" he said pointing to the boys that sat on the couch.
"The boy on the bed is Trey and the ones fighting are Jacob and Taylor" he said.
I nodded and smiled I was kind of shy.
I looked up at Blake and he smiled at me.
"Come follow me" he said holding my wrist.
I followed Blake and he opened a door that was at the end of the hall.
"Wow" I said.
"Yeah I know" he answered.
He showed me a balcony that was so big.
The best of all was that the view was beautiful.
"I like this place it's really quiet and you can think here" he said.
"What do you think off" I asked.
Was it a too private question?
" Life,Family,Ariel,Myself and You" he said.
I looked down blushing really hard.
"Look at me" he said.
I raised my head suddenly he's face was so close to mine.
I hugged him and told him thank you.
"For what? he asked.
"For making my life easier since I moved here my parents are so busy.
My sister is always with her boyfriend and the only friends I have are You and Brent and his friends" I said.
He hugged me back ans spun me around.
"There is a party here tomorrow please come" he said.
"Yeah I'll be there I'll bring my friends" I said.
We walked me to the bedroom the boys stayed in.
"Guys I'm going" he screamed.
"Bye Blake and umm Alexis" Cameron said.
In Blake's car he asked me if I was hungry.
"Let's go to McDonald's" I said happily.
"Ok" he said.
The ride to McDonald's was silent not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence.
I felt a hand on mine and I turned to Blake.
He turned and smiled at me and faced back the road.

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