Chapter 1. Healing.

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Just a quick note here, this takes place after Splinter's death, but i'm changing it a bit, why? Because I can.


Everybody gathered around Splinter's motionless body, Donnie instantly checked for a pulse. 'sensei... Father...' Leo's eyes filled with tears. 'papa...' Mikey said as he started sobbing 'guys I got a pulse' Donnie yelled. 'we have to get him to the lair now' Leo said looking at his brothers. 'hang in there Dad' Raph said gripping Splinter's hand, the turtles lifted him up and carried him to the lair.

Once they arrived at the lair they laid him down on a cot in Donnie's lab 'okay, here's what I need...'

After hours of intense care Splinter was beginning to stabilize. Leo sighed as he continued to pace the lab 'he's gonna wake up, right?' Mikey asked. Raph rested a hand oh Mikey's shoulder 'i hope so.' he said. Donnie checked the vitals on his makeshift equipment 'he's stabling, but I can't tell when he'll wake up.' Donnie said sadly. 'you're the smart one figure it out!' Raph yelled. Mikey jumped 'i'm not a doctor' Donnie yelled back. Raph growled. 'guys please the last thing we need to do is fight' Leo said getting between them. Raph grumbled and stomped to his room and slammed the door, Leo sighed as he began leaving the lab. 'where are you going Leo' Donnie asked 'someone has to tell Karai.' Leo said. 'but Leo you know how much it'll upset her.' Donnie said. 'she has to know.' Leo said looking back at Splinter. 'he careful.' Donnie said with a nod. 'I will.' Leo said exiting the lab. He ran across the roofs until he reached the hospital, he stealthily climbed down to Karai's window and peaked in, Karai was talking with Shini, Karai looked out the window and grinned. Leo opened the window and climbed in. 'hello Leonardo.' Shini said, Leo nodded 'hey.' he said looking down 'where are your brothers?' Shini asked. Karai saw a small tear fall from his cheek 'Leo, what happened?' Karai asked. Leo sat down on a stool beside her bed 'it's Splinter...' he said. Karai's eyes widened 'no..he isn't...he can't be...' Leo looked up at her 'he's alive' he said. Karai sighed 'how is he?' Karai asked. 'well... Not too good. He's passed out, Donnie says he's stable now but he's not sure when he'll wake up.' Leo answered. Shini frowned, she slowly got up 'i'll give you guys a moment.' she said leaving. Leo sighed 'it's my fault.' he said 'i fell right into his trap I...I failed.' Leo said holding his head in his hands. Karai frowned and took one of his hands away from his face to hold it, Leo blushed as he looked up his eyes filled with tears, Karai never saw him cry before and she already hated it 'it's not your fault Leonardo.' Karai said sternly. Leo looked away 'you don't understand, you weren't there.' Leo said instantly regretting it 'i didn't mean it like that I just..' 'i know Leo, and that reminds me I never thanked you properly.' she said, Leo raised an eye ridge 'what do you...' Leo froze as she leaned up and kissed his cheek, she pulled back blushing lightly 'thank you Leo' she said resting her forehead on his shoulder, Leo blushed 'you're welcome Karai.' he said carefully wrapping an arm around her. 'now get me out of here' Karai whispered smirking. 'okay...wait what' Leo asked slightly shocked. 'Leo I can't take it here, it's too boring, and they won't stop bothering me.' Karai said as she pulled away from him. Leo crossed his arms 'Karai you're still healing' Leo said sternly. 'I'm fine, really, I can heal at home, just please get me out of this prison.' Karai whined. Leo looked at her shocked. 'what?' she asked. 'home, you said home.' Leo said. 'we'll if you'd rather me live somewhere else I could.' Karai replied smirking making Leo smile. 'please Leo, and if father doesn't... make it, I need to see him.' Karai said looking into his eyes. Leo smiled 'alright, but you're going to have to listen to Donnie.' Leo said. 'okay, okay alright.' Karai said rolling her eyes. 'I mean it Karai, I know how stubborn you are.' Leo said smirking at her. 'stubborn? Not me.' Karai replied smirking back. 'you're incredibly stubborn.' Shini said walking in and shutting the door behind her. 'who's side are you on?' Karai asked looking over at her. 'the right one.' Leo said standing up. 'whatever, let's just get out of here.' Karai said. Shini looked to Leo 'you're not seriously going to break her out of here. Are you?' she said 'yep.' Leo said looking back at Karai 'but only if she promises to behave.' Leo said crossing his arms. Karai nodded 'okay, I promise.' Karai said 'alright then. Anyone have a plan?' Shini asked. 'don't worry I've got one.' Karai said...

'it's too simple, this isn't gonna work.' Shini said crossing her arms. As she followed Karai to the door. Karai rolled her eyes 'relax, it'll be fine. Besides if they find out I'm missing, they'll be looking for someone in a hospital gown not regular clothes.' she said putting her jacket on and putting the hood up. Shini sighed and opened the door and walked out with Karai. Karai made sure to keep her head down as they walked past the nurses. Finally the two sighed in relief as they reached the lobby 'hey you two!' a nurse yelled pointing the them. 'run!' Karai yelled as they bolted for the doors, once outside they ran for a nearby alley and quickly climbed up the fire escape to the roof where Leo was waiting. 'did you get caught?' he asked walking over to them. 'yea. We should probably get moving.' Shini said looking down to see people searching for them 'like right now.' she said.
After they were pretty far away they slowed down. 'Leo, thanks again for saving my life.' Karai said reaching out to hold his hand. Leo smiled and gripped her hand 'I'd do it again in a heartbeat.' Leo said. 'oh ya know, don't mind me, I don't mind being a third wheel' Shini said, Leo and Karai blushed lightly at her comment 'Shini' Karai said turning to her, Leo smiled and held Karai's hand tighter 'we're here' Leo said as he climbed down the fire escape, Karai and Shini followed, Karai was the last one down 'took you long enough' Leo smirked 'oh shut up.' Karai said lightly pushing his shoulder making him chuckle. Leo lifted the sewer cover and Shini and Karai hopped in, Leo scanned the ally and followed them. After walking for like forever they finally reached the lair 'just leave you stuff here' Leo said as he went to the lab with Karai close behind, Leo walked into the lab and opened his mouth to say something when Karai walked past him and went straight to Splinter's side 'Leo...' Donnie gasped seeing her, Mikey stood up and walked over to her rested a hand on her shoulder 'hey sis' Mikey said looking down at their father 'hey Mikey' she replied using his nickname which made Mikey show a small smile, Donnie dragged Leo to the other side of the lab 'Leo, what did you do, she's supposed to be in the hospital' Donnie said 'well, I..uh snuck her out' Leo said rubbing his neck 'i can tell' Donnie whisper yelled 'i had too Don, besides she's healing fast' Leo said 'Leo...' Donnie sighed looking over to Karai who was now wiping away her tears with Mikey and Shini by her side 'she needed to be here' Leo said 'if she needs to back to the hospital I'll take her' Leo said, Donnie nodded, they both walked over to the others 'how bad' Karai whispered 'pretty bad, but he's stable' Donnie said sadly, Raph slowly walked in with chompy on his shoulder and raised an "eyebrow" when he saw Karai, but didn't argue as he sat down in a chair beside Splinter.

It was going on midnight and everyone was still in the lab, but they were all sacked out, except Mikey and Donnie 'you should go to bed Mike' Donnie said, Mikey nodded 'what about the others' he asked getting up slowly 'let them sleep' Donnie said yawning, Mikey nodded, Leo grunted in his sleep as he rolled over and rolled right off his chair and onto the floor knocking into Raph along the way. Raph jumped and groaned. 'oops.' Leo said getting up, Raph stretched as he got up, Leo looked over to see Donnie who had just fallen asleep on his chair, Mikey giggled until Raph glared at him 'come on guys not now, let's get to bed' Leo said 'what about them' Raph said pointing to Karai and Shini 'carry them to their rooms' Leo said, Raph and Mikey nodded, Mikey picked up Shini and Raph smirked at Leo and carried Donnie to his room, Leo gently picked Karai up and carried her out of the lab. 'Leo we only have one extra bed' Mikey said still holding Shini. 'put her in Karai's bed' Leo answered. 'what about Karai' Mikey asked. 'i'll give her mine, it'll be more comfortable for her' Leo said, Mikey nodded and left.
Leo gently laid Karai down on his bed and slowly unzipped her jacket and laid it on the end of the bed, Leo pulled the covers over her and leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead 'goodnight Karai, sweet dreams.' he said before leaving his room and heading for the couch.

Mikey had laid Shini down and laid a blanket over her and brushed a stay strand of hair from her face 'sleep tight Shini' He said quietly. Mikey looked towards the living room to see that Leo had passed out on the "couch", he was really tired, Mikey walked over to him and covered him with a blanket before finally going to bed himself.

That night everyone slept uneasy, but at least they were all together.

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