Chapter 3. Coma.

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'a coma' Leo repeated, Donnie nodded 'for how long' Mikey asked wiping away his tears 'i don't know, coma's can last for a long time or not long at all' Donnie said, Raph looked down and clenched his fists, Leo looked over to where Karai was standing, her hands tightly gripping Splinter's, Leo wanted to comfort her but he didn't know how...

Not too long before.

Splinter closed his eyes, Karai squeezed her eyes shut and looked away determined not to let the tears show, Mikey hung his head as he cried, Raph frowned looking down as he started sniffling, Leo wiped his eyes as tears rolled down his cheeks, April was crying alongside Mikey as Donnie checked for a pulse 'guys' he whispered 'what' Raph asked 'he has a faint pulse' he replied, Karai looked over 'can you help him' she asked her voice cracking, Donnie looked down 'i hope so' Donnie said and got to work.

After a half hour, fifteen minutes, and sixty three seconds Donnie was about to get him stabilized again, Leo walked in 'how is he' he asked 'he's in a coma' Donnie said...

Back to he present.

'what do we do now' Mikey asked looking to Leo 'what we should have done before, make sure Shredder's dead' Leo said and walked out, Raph ran out to stop him 'Leo' he said but Leo kept walking 'dang it Leo would you stop and listen' Raph said 'why, so another one of you can get hurt' Leo asked turning to his brother, Raph took a step towards him 'we'll get Shredder as soon as Splinter is healed' Raph said 'no, I'm tired of that monster hurting my family i won't let him get away with this' Leo yelled, Raph took a step closer but Leo threw a smoke bomb in his face and ran out.

In the lab the others could hear the arguing 'what are they fighting about now....Raph' Mikey yelled as he ran to Raph's side 'Raph, where's Leo' April asked 'he's gone after Shredder' Raph said rubbing his eyes 'why would he do something so stupid' Karai asked Raph groaned as he stood up 'come on Raph we should clean your eyes' Donnie said 'what about Leo' Mikey asked 'we'll go find him' Karai said 'hold on, you're staying here' Shini said 'excuse me' Karai said placing her good hand on her hip 'she's right, in your condition you won't be good in a fight' Donnie said 'wanna bet' Karai replied 'just stay here' Shini said, Karai groaned and nodded 'fine' she said 'come on, we gotta find Leo before he gets himself killed' April said as they ran out to find Leo, Karai sighed and sat down on a stool 'come on Raph, let's clean your eye' Donnie said leading him to the lab, Karai smirked and sprinted out of the lair, after a while of jumping across roofs Karai stopped and held her ribs as she winced in pain, she looked around 'when I find you I'm gonna..' Karai stopped and turned around after hearing a crash, she ran to edge and looks down to see Leo in a pile of junk, Karai was about to jump down when she saw TigerClaw come out of the shadows, Leo tried to get up but failed 'any last words' TigerClaw asked pointing his gun at Leo 'i might have a few' Karai said from behind him, TigerClaw turned only to have a metal pipe smack him in the head, TigerClaw fell down and passed out, Karai looked down at Leo 'Leonardo Hamato, are you crazy' Karai yelled, Leo looked down shamefully 'do you have any idea how worried I was about you' Karai said, Leo looked up meeting her murderous gaze 'i'm sorry' he muttered 'we have to get out of here, Shredder's close' Leo said pushing himself up 'okay, but I'm yelling at you later' Karai said wrapping his arm around her and helping him get home.

April stopped on a roof to catch her breath 'see anything' she asked 'no' Mikey said, as they continued to search for Leo they Shini saw something on an old building across the street 'guys look' Shini said 'is it Leo' Casey asked 'no' Shini said 'then what is it' April asked 'it's a kitty' Shini said as she picked up a black cat 'aww' Mikey said petting it 'guys we're out here to find Leo not a cat' April said, Shini sighed and set the cat down, the cat meowed and nuzzled her leg, Shini smiled and picked it up again 'i'll call you crystal' she said kissing it's head gently 'Leo' Mikey screamed as he jumped down into the alley followed by the others 'Leo, bro what happened' Mikey asked 'we'll talk later, we have to move before Shredder catches up' Leo said, Mikey nodded and put his arm around Leo and they walked back to the lair.

TigerClaw slowly woke up to find Shredder pointing his blades at his neck 'where is he' Shredder asked 'he got away' TigerClaw responded 'how' Shredder growled 'Karai, she helped him' he said, Shredder stood up 'find them' Shredder ordered 'and kill them' he said.

Karai and Mikey helped Leo into the lab, Donnie and Raph gasped 'Leo' Raph said 'what happened' Donnie asked checking his wounds, Leo looked down 'come on we'll get you stitched up' Donnie said going to his desk, Leo weakly limped over and sat down, Karai turned to the bed 'where's Splinter' she asked 'we moved him to his room, he'll be comfortable there' Raph said, Karai nodded she was about to leave when something rubbed her leg 'what the...' she looked down to see a cat rubbing against her legs, Karai knelt down and picked her up 'i didn't know you guys have a cat' she said, Leo looked over 'we don't' he said 'Mikey' Raph called, Mikey came in 'there you are crystal' Mikey said petting her head 'Mikey, why did you bring home a cat' Donnie asked 'i didn't' he replied 'then why is it here' Raph asked 'she's mine' Shini said as she walked in and stood beside Karai 'isn't she a cutie' Shini cooded as she picked up the cat and kissed her head 'she sure is, let's introduce her to ice cream kitty' Mikey said, Shini nodded and the two walked out together, Karai rolled her eyes.
Leo slowly got up and winced 'easy Leo, you pulled a muscle in your back' Donnie said, Leo nodded 'thanks Don' he said, Donnie smiled 'no problem' he replied.

Later that night.

Leo sat down in front of the TV and Karai soon joined him 'so, what happened' she asked 'well...' Leo sighed 'after I stormed out I got to thinking maybe I was jumping the gun, so I went to come back when Shredder found me' Leo rubbed his arm 'he caught me off guard and next thing I know I'm getting my shell kicked by TigerClaw' Leo said 'maybe' Karai repeated 'okay I was being stupid, alright' Leo said 'it might have been stupid, but you did it for the right reason' Karai said making him smile slightly. 'besides, you always were stupid' Karai said smirking. Leo turned to her 'hey' he replied. Karai giggled 'stupid but adorable' she thought.

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