Chapter 4.

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Continued from last.

As Leo and Karai sat there in silence Leo opened his mouth to speak 'uh.. Karai' he began. 'yea' she replied turning her head to face him. 'do uh... will you...' Leo blushed and was about to continue when Mikey plopped down beside them. 'hey guys' he said turning on the TV. 'hey Mikey' Leo groaned folding his arms as he leaned back. Karai looked down at her phone as it buzzed 'I gotta go, Shini needs ta... something' she said getting up. 'I can walk you over if you want' Leo offered with a smile. 'actually I'd kinda like some time alone' Karai said. 'okay, well be careful' Leo said. Karai nodded and headed out of the lair. Sighing Leo got up 'I'm gonna go meditate, don't stay up too late' he said. 'okay, night Leo' Mikey replied. 'night' Leo said heading for the dojo making sure to close the door behind him.

Leo walked over and opened a small cabinet and pulled out a few candles, setting them on his floor he lit them and sat down on the floor with his back against the tree and crossing his legs. With a sigh Leo closed his eyes and began meditating. After awhile Leo took a deep breath 'come on Leo focus' he whispered to himself. But no matter how hard or how long he sat there in the silence he couldn't focus. Slowly opening his eyes Leo looked down at the candle in front of him, he watched as the small flame flickered and danced around. He jumped as something warm and fuzzy brushed up against his side. Leo turned to see Crystal rubbing against him. Carefully he picked her up and set her in his lap and watched as she curled up to soon fall asleep.

Walking back into the lair Karai shivered, she was about to head to her room when she noticed the faint light coming from the dojo. Quietly she walked over and peeked inside, Leo was sitting in front of the tree, Karai giggled as he laid back with a groan laying his arm over his face. Stepping in and closing the door behind her Karai walked over to him and nudged him with her foot. Leo sighed 'go away Mikey' he said. Karai smirked 'Leo' she said nudging him again. Leo blushed moving his arm to meet her gaze. Staring up at her his jaw dropped slightly. The candle's light danced in her eyes making them seem to be glowing. Clearing her throat Karai rested her hand on her hip 'cat got your tongue'. Leos blush darkened as he quickly got to his feet 'is there uh... something you needed' he asked. 'no, actually I was wondering if I could join you' Karai replied. 'yea of course' Leo grinned. After sitting down beside each other they crossed their legs and folded their hands in the laps and began to meditate. Karai took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Leo smiled and did the same.

Sorry it's so short but I ran out of ideas and I wanted to publish something really bad. The next chapter will be longer.

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