Chapter 6 - Makeup Goals

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Oliver's POV


That morning, I was the first to awake. Now, I'm not going to make an excuse for the creepy thing I was doing. I was staring at Evelyn as she slept. Observing her. 

They was her chest rose up and down as she drew in a breath and expelled it. The one strand of hair that seemed to always be out of place. How long her eyelashes were. The slight rosiness on her pale cheeks. Her content expression, the ends of her full lips turned upwards slightly. 

I wanted her chest against mine as I held her close. My hands itched to move that one strand of hair back into place. I wanted to watch her open her eyes, so I could see if her eyelashes got tangled up every time she blinked. I wanted to caress her cheek with my hand, and draw her in slowly, to touch those perfect lips with my own. 

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open like butterfly wings. I must have startled her, laying at the end of my bed, my head in my hands, an intense expression on my face as I stared her directly in the eyes. 

She closed her eyes again as soon as she saw me. I chuckled, letting a casual expression take over my face again, so as not to scare her or make her uncomfortable. "I saw that." I said, as I reached down to poke her shoulder. 

She turned over onto her back, keeping her eyes closed. "Shh, I'm asleep." She murmured. 

"Hmm..." I said playfully. "What did your dad do on your first day of Stocksbridge, when you didn't get up?" It was a rhetorical question; as I knew the answer. He had pulled her out of bed by her feet. 

"Don't Oliver!" She squealed as I got out of bed and grabbed her feet. "It won't even be the same, I'm on a mattress!"

I chuckled. "I know. I'm dragging you downstairs."

With that, I started dragging her away from her makeshift bed. She clung onto it, but since it was the early hours of the morning and she had just woken up, her grip wasn't very strong. She soon lost her blanket too. We were both still in our onesies, after she had decided to sleep in hers, and told me I could do the same. 

I manged to drag her all the way out into the hallway, and down a few of the steps, before she broke free of my hold. As soon as she was out of my grasp I became aware of four eyes staring at me. 

The first pair belonged to my mother, standing at the bottom of the stairs with a pile of washing in her hands, and a disbelieving smile on her face. The second pair belonged to my brother, who was at the top of the stairs having just come out of his room at the sound of commotion. He was smirking at me. 

"Morning." Evelyn stuttered.

My brother laughed, saying something of a reply before retreating back into his room. My mom practically shouted good morning at us. 

"Where did you get the onesies?" She asked, coming to a stop beside us on the stairs. I was just helping Evelyn up from the floor. 

"They're Evelyn's." I replied. 

"Cute." My mom said, before leaving us wondering what she meant. We were cute? I was cute? Evelyn was cute? The onesies were cute? She didn't specify what she meant!

I shook off the side comment, and started to make my way down the rest of the stairs, as Evelyn trailed behind me. We walked into the empty kitchen. 

"You can keep that onesie if you want." Evelyn said. "I like my bunny one better."

"Are you sure?" I smiled when she nodded, wrapping the onesie tighter around myself. It smelt like her. At least I knew I would be getting a good night's sleep when I was wearing this. 

We had breakfast, and retreated back to my room for a long day of lazing around and ding nothing. Mostly gaming, watching movies, snacking on junk food, and talking. Whichever activity we were doing, we hardly ever left the room. This was the most fun I'd had in a while. 

Spending the whole day with her; it made me feel strangely happy. Like I was glowing from the inside out. 

By mid afternoon, we were bored of video games, and decided to do something else. Go out. Surprise the world with our presence for once. 

Yes; go out in public. 

Once Evelyn was done getting changed and doing her makeup, I looked at her in mock envy. I spoke in a high pitched, cracking voice. "Oh. My. God. You look fabulous! You have to do my makeup too!" 

"Okay." Evelyn replied, laughing. 

Then, we didn't even end up going out. We were messing around with makeup instead. I let her do whatever she wanted to my face, which had turned out to be pink lips, pink blush, pink eyeshadow even. I was looking like a princess. And to top it off; she pinned a white bow in my hair. 

I enjoyed being so close to her. Watching the concentrated look on her face. 

Afterwards, by my own misfortune, my brother opened the door. As soon as he saw me he burst out laughing. "What the fuck are you doing?" He uttered, between his cries of laughter. 

"What do you mean Tom?" I smirked. "Don't I look amazing?" 

My brother couldn't even speak; he could only nod in agreement. 

"Credit to the makeup artist." I said as I gestured to Evelyn. 

When my brother was gone, I made Evelyn wipe the makeup off her face so I could do it instead. I took my time. It was a wonderful feeling to have my hand rested against her face; no matter the context. Her skin was so soft. I didn't even think she needed makeup, but it did look nice.

It quickly became apparent that it didn't look as nice when I tried it. 

The result of her face was much different to what it had been before, although I had tried to make it look the same. The two black wings I had drawn from the corners of her eyes were lopsided and uneven. I had smudged grey eyeshadow into her eyebrows on accident. Her lipstick wasn't only on her lips, but around them too. 

"Uh..." I stifled a laugh. 

"What did you do!" Evelyn exclaimed as she stood up and looked into the mirror. 

When she turned around, I was right behind her. I raised a makeup wipe to her face, gently taking all the makeup away with my trembling hand. "It doesn't matter. You don't even need it." I said softly. 

I blushed at the tone of my voice, stepped back, and looked at her with a deep blush. 

"I'm gonna go toilet." Evelyn squeaked awkwardly. 

My expression fell as soon as she left the room. I had obviously made her uncomfortable; because she didn't like me in that way. I needed to stop saying things like that before it became to overbearingly obvious that I liked her. 

I was feeling pressured to make a move though, because I was so scared that if I didn't, she would leave me here all alone. And what would I be stuck with? Questions like;

Would she still have left, even if I had done something? Kissed her?


Completely irrelevant to the story, but I had two days off school and when I went back today my best friend was in tears saying she thought I dropped out XD She's so emotional. 

Anyways, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter! 

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