Chapter 25 - Morning Surprise

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Oliver's POV

One Week Later - Friday

Evelyn and I both woke up at the same time, as the sound of crying filled our ears. We had moved the baby's cot into our room, deciding that we were going to keep him with us until he was one at least. It was me who concluded that. I wanted my family with me.

I wasn't going to take any chances.

"I've got this." Evelyn said, sighing as she shrugged the blankets off.

I shook my head, pulling the blankets back over her. "No, I do."

"But you got up last time." She said.

I smiled. "I know. It's fine."

"Your amazing. I love you." Evelyn said tiredly, as she snuggled back down into her pillow.

"I love you too." I replied, kissing her forehead.

Then I got up to tend to Kellin, as he cried at the top of his little lungs. As soon as I approached his cot, I realized the problem. His dummy had fallen from his mouth. I gently placed it back in his mouth and he sucked on it gratefully.

I kissed his forehead, made sure his blankets were warm enough, and then turned around to leave again.

Evelyn moulded herself to my side again as I got back into bed, snuggling her head to my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her and soon fell asleep again.


Surprisingly, I didn't wake up to the sound of crying, but instead to to the movement of the bed as Evelyn got up. My eyes cracked open. She was standing up now, stretching her arms and opening the curtains. I watched her lovingly. She still hadn't noticed I was awake.

Her eyes slid over to me as if by instinct, and she smiled. "Morning." She said.

"Good morning." I corrected her mischievously. "Kellin still asleep?"

"Yup." Evelyn replied. She started to pick some clothes to wear, but I moved forward and grabbed her, pulling her back down onto the bed.

She giggled quietly, biting her lip as I started to kiss her neck. "Oliver. Kellin is right there; what if he wakes up?"

"He won't." I said.

In the end, her lust won out, as we hadn't had sex since the early days of her pregnancy. When her baby bump got bigger I hadn't wanted to risk hurting the baby. And when she got out of hospital, well, there was no time. We were always interrupted as soon as we started kissing.

We had to be quick, so unfortunately we skipped the foreplay, and the teasing.

We simply stripped off our clothes, and she found I had already hardened just from thinking about her, and kissing her. She blushed. I couldn't believe she still blushed over sex, when we did it so many times.

We even had a baby to show for it!

I laid her down on her back and positioned myself at her entrance. Before I slid into her, I kissed the scar from the C-section tenderly. Then I finally thrusted into her. We both moaned in unison.

"Oh Oliver..." Evelyn smiled, as she closed her eyes in pleasure. "It's been to long."

And she was right; it had been to long.

I gently thrusted in and out of her, savoring the feeling. It felt so good to be back with her in this way, as we connected like this, being as close as we could. Slowly my pace increased. I felt the pleasure building up fast.

A few minutes later we both came, explosions shaking our bodies. Deprived of the feeling for so long, it was a very powerful orgasm.

"We both needed that." She said breathlessly.

"Mhm." I said as I pulled out of her, laying down with her in my arms again. We cuddled for a while. I stroked through her hair and she traced small circles on my chest.

The sound of crying popped our little bubble.

Evelyn smiled, standing up and quickly tying a dressing gown around herself, before walking over to the cot and picking Kellin up out of it. "Morning sleepyhead!" She cooed, kissing him. "Hungry, aren't you?"

She sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped the dressing gown off of her shoulders again, holding little Kellin up to her breasts.

I got up too, dressing in some jeans, and a shirt displaying my favorite band's name.

"I'm going to make us some coffee." I said as I went downstairs.

"Okay." She called after me. "I'll be down soon."

In the kitchen, I turned our coffee machine on and soon had two cups of perfect coffee. I set them down on the table, as I sat down, waiting for them to cool a little.

Evelyn entered the kitchen with Kellin, a few minutes later. I smiled and held my arms open. "Come say good morning to dad." I murmured as Evelyn passed him to me, and I held him close.

"I can't believe he's ours." I said with a grin, looking up at Evelyn.

"How ever will I survive in a house full of rowdy boys?" She said jokingly.

I chuckled. "I promise I won't be rowdy. I wonder what Kellin will look like when he's a teenager."

"It's hard to imagine it from now." Evelyn mused.

"I can't wait until he starts talking." I said giddily. "This is going to be such a trip; watching him form a personality, and all that."

So far, it had already been a trip. Just yesterday he had grasped my pinky finger in his tiny hands, and I found his grip a lot stronger than I expected. I loved him, Evelyn, and everyone around us. I was excited for the future.


I wasn't planning on writing anything sexual for a while but my friend, who reads my book, insisted that she wanted another sex scene XD. She's way to obsessed with Oliver... Actually, what can I say, I'm the one writing the book about him lol.

Only a few chapters left, Unitatoes. 

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