Chapter 20 - The Months To Come

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Oliver's POV


Evelyn came out of the bathroom ten minutes later, and fell straight into my arms wordlessly. I had no idea whether she was indicating a yes or a no. I quickly pulled away and held her face gently in my hands, asking her with my eyes. She was really taking her time.

"We're having a baby." She said.

I picked her up and spun her around. I was happy, but I was still worried. I tried not to let my nerves show. I had to be there for her. I had to show her that this could be a good thing.

"Your happy." Evelyn mumbled in my arms.

"I'm having a baby with the girl I love." I said. "I'm nervous, I'm worried, this was a shock, and I know this is going to be hard – but of course I'm happy about it."

Evelyn smiled and said the words again. "We're having a baby."

"I know." I joked. Then I turned back to being serious. "Are you scared?"

"Of course. Are you?"

I nodded in reply. "But I'm sure we'll be fine. I've always wanted a family, it's just coming a little sooner than I expected." I grinned.

We embraced, and stayed in each other's arms for a long time. I was so conscious of her stomach now, knowing there was a little person growing in there. She had no bump yet, but I slid my hands down to her stomach along with my head, as I kneeled on the ground.

"Hello." I said. Evelyn giggled. "I know you can't hear me yet, and your probably the size of a jellybean. But I'm your dad, and I love you already." Then I kissed her stomach and hugged it. Evelyn was still laughing at me.

"Stop laughing! I was talking to our baby!" I said in defence as I stood up again.

Evelyn kissed my cheek. "I know, I know."

We sat down, and started the long talk about how we were going to tell everyone, and what was going to happen with our jobs. All the serious stuff. I knew it had to be done, because when this was out of the way, we could focus on the baby.

As for my job, I could start writing the next album to make up for lost time touring. Of course I would have to do a show every now and then in the area to keep us financially stable, but when she was within a few weeks of her due date, I was never going to leave the house for more than a quick trip down the road and back.

"How are we going to tell everyone?" Evelyn asked excitedly. "I can't wait to tell my dad. I have to ring him."

She grabbed her phone, but her face fell as soon as she turned it on.

"What is it?" I asked, peering at the screen.

Notifications of missed calls covered her lock screen, along with texts from all of her friends, and even all of my band members. They must have tried to call me but I didn't respond.

She typed in her password, and read some of the messages. They were all asking her if she was pregnant.

"But how could they know?" I said, bewildered.

"I don't know. I'm going to call my dad; he's probably on his way here right now."

Her timing was perfect, just as those words left her lips, a car pulled up in our driveway and Marilyn sprinted onto our porch, slamming his fist on the door. I didn't let Evelyn get up, I went to open it instead.

I opened the door and he looked frantic. "Marilyn–"

"Why didn't you answer my calls!" He said as he tore past me into the house. "Evelyn!"

He found her in the lounge and swooped her up in his arms. She hugged him. He pulled away from the hug and asked in a wavering voice, "Are you pregnant?"

"I am." She nodded, smiling to let him know she was happy about it.

Marilyn seemed relieved that she wasn't sad. He grinned and hugged her again, this time bringing me into it as well. "I'm a grandad! Fuck, that means I'm old!" He exclaimed. We laughed.

"You better take care of her." Marilyn said to me sternly.

I smiled. "When have I ever not?" Then I pulled her closer to my side, kissing her cheek.

The months to come would be demanding, but I was prepared to do whatever she needed me to do. I loved her. And now I was going to have our own little family.

It was hard to predict what would come of this.

But I found that my excitement was finally overpowering my nerves.

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