Chapter 19 - Bombshell

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Oliver's POV


Evelyn had been throwing up every morning, ever since Tuesday. I was worried this was the bad thing I had been waiting to happen, so I instantly insisted on going to the doctors, but Evelyn said it was fine. I told her if she didn't stop throwing up by Friday then I was dragging her to the doctors.

I held her hair back for her, as yet again, she emptied her guts into the toilet. I rubbed her back soothingly. My heart felt for her; all I wanted to do was make her better again.

When she finished throwing up, I handed her her toothbrush, and placed a glass of water on the sink next to her. She brushed her teeth and used the water to get the awful taste out of her mouth, quietly thanking me afterward. I pulled her into a light embrace, and to my surprise, she started crying.

"Oh Evelyn..." I sighed, as I rocked her gently in my arms. "It's okay. You probably won't throw up anymore today. And I'm taking you to the doctors tomorrow."

Even when I said that, she couldn't stop crying.

Concerned, I pulled away and wiped her tears. "What's wrong babe? Talk to me."

"Give me a kiss first." She whimpered.

Confused, I kissed her, and then pulled away again expectantly. She took a deep breath and looked me in my eyes. I was afraid. A niggling voice was wondering if she was about to tell me she only had a few days to live, or something drastic like that.

"I-I think I'm pregnant." She stuttered, dropping the bomb.

I instantly let go of her to clutch my head in my hands. My thoughts went into overdrive. What were we going to do? We were both to caring to abort a baby. But what about our jobs? What if my band members kicked me out for being dragged down? And I wasn't ready to be a father!

What if, what if, what if. What if this was going to ruin my career. I'd heard babies broke couples up from the stress, and brought on a lot of fighting.

I struck out at something. I couldn't help it; this was just so overwhelming and I was having a hard time dealing with everything going on in my head. My fist hit the wall, and dented it considerably. Evelyn gasped but I didn't hear her. I had forgotten she was even there.

"Fuck!" I swore loudly, pressing my head to the wall in stress. Now I had to tell the landlord I'd punched a hole in the wall, and get it fixed too. That was more to add to the pile of problems.

"Oliver, calm down." Evelyn said quietly.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I snapped. My heart broke when I saw her expression, and I instantly regretted saying that. I had never snapped at her, through our whole relationship.

"I-I'm sorry." I said. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm being a dick about this."

Evelyn wiped the tear tracks off her face. "It's okay."

"It's not okay." I said, as I moved forwards to hold both her hands. "I shouldn't have yelled, and I shouldn't have punched a hole in the wall. I'm just worried about how this is going to affect us, and everyone around us."

"We don't even know for sure yet." Evelyn said. "We need to go to the drugstore and buy some tests."

I kissed her forehead. "No, your going to relax, and I'm going to go buy them, along with a big cake and whatever else you need. Anything. From anywhere."

Evelyn was to stressed to argue. I picked her up bridal style and placed her down on the couch in the lounge, passing her the remote and her book from the coffee table.

I leant down and kissed her. "I love you. We can work this out together." I kissed her again and stroked her hair back. "This doesn't have to be a problem, it can be a blessing too." I said.

"I know. I love you too." I started out the door, and she called after me, "Make sure you buy at least three!"

My hands were shaking as I drove to the nearest drugstore, but luckily I didn't crash. I had to be strong. If Evelyn was pregnant, she was going to need me now more than ever. I was determined to be there for her, and this phantom, possible baby we had created together.

I didn't know which tests to get, so I ended up getting one of each. I was to nervous to wonder what people would think of a guy buying pregnancy tests.

To nervous to notice the person filming me buying them.

Next I went to the bakery, and bought Evelyn's favorite cake. I even made them write, 'I'm sorry. I love you,' on the cake in swirly lettering. Then I got us some sushi for later.

When I finally opened the door again, Evelyn was waiting anxiously on the couch. She was trying to read but I figured she had t gotten very far from her nerves.

I set the cake down in the fridge along with the sushi, before going to give Evelyn the tests.

She took them from me and then kissed me, going into the bathroom and closing the door. There was nothing I could do to distract myself now. I sat on the couch, threading my hands through my hair obsessively. I couldn't decide if having a baby was the best thing for us, or the worst thing for us.

And I was afraid. I was afraid of the responsibility that came with a baby, afraid that this would tear Evelyn and I apart, afraid this would ruin not only my career, but hers too.

I knew when it came down to it that I would love this baby with everything that I had. But what would I lose in the process?


Damn... Some serious shit going on, huh? Haha I'm probably going to end this book soon, just so you know. It's been very fun to write though. I'll be writing many more, some fan-fictions, and some not. So you can check those out... if you want XD.

Bye bye Unitatoes :3

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