Chapter 22 - Water And Blood

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Oliver's POV


I woke up around midnight, as Evelyn's nails dug into the skin of my hand. I was quick to comfort her, figuring she was having another contraction. A scream tore from her throat and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Something's not right." She said in hysterics. "Take me to the hospital."

My eyes widened and I instantly threw the blankets off of us, leaping out of bed and helping Evelyn up. As she got to her feet, water gushed from between her legs. "My waters." She said in a trembling voice.

I was scared too.

No one ever said anything about blood coming out with the water.

I scooped Evelyn up in my arms and ran out the door, grunting from the exertion of carrying her when she was so heavy. I pushed through it for her though, knowing we needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I was so scared. I kept flashing back to the fear in her voice when she had said, 'Something's not right.'

Carefully I set her down on the passenger seat. I had already adjusted the seat so that it was back further, so she would have plenty of space, having anticipated this moment for so long.

I jumped into the driver's seat and started speeding towards the nearest hospital.

My hand found hers and I didn't care that it felt as she was almost ripping my arm out of its socket. All I could feel was the fear, and the pulsing determination to get her to the hospital.

"It's okay, just breathe." I said. "Yoga breaths, just like we practiced babe."

Evelyn was still in hysterics though, crying and breathing to fast to be healthy. "Oliver." She trembled with her bottom lip shaking. "Something is wrong. I can feel it... This isn't normal..."

I panicked then. Did she mean there was something wrong with her, or the baby? I could stand the thought of losing either of them. I had become so attached to this unborn baby we had created, as if it was already in my arms. I couldn't lose them.

With that thought in mind, I dangerously started to swerve between lanes.

People yelled at me and beeped their horns, but I just pulled the finger at the, out the window. They didn't know what was happening in my world. They didn't know me. They didn't know Evelyn, or our baby.

"Evelyn you need to breathe for me okay?" I said desperately.

She nodded, and tried to control her breathing. Little by little she was getting the hang of it. "We're nearly there, so sit tight."

Finally the hospital came into view, and I quickly bypassed the gates when they saw Evelyn in the car. There was no parks near the entrance so I swerved into a restricted parking lot and ushered Evelyn out of the car in my arms.

As soon as we got inside, people rushed out to help, doctors, nurses, the whole works. When they saw me carrying her, they assumed she couldn't walk, so they brought a stretcher and hauled her onto it.

The process was a blur, as they rushed her into the nearest room, setting her down on the bed.

Doctors flitted around her. There was so many of them that I couldn't even squeeze in next to her to hold her hand. It worried me. Didn't they usually just check her over, make sure she was comfortable, and then leave only one or two nurses to help deliver the baby?

Something was wrong.

Something was very, very wrong.

"Oliver!" Evelyn sobbed from the crowd of doctors.

My heart shattered into tiny pieces. I roughly barged in next to the bedside. I grabbed her hand and she clung onto me for dear life.

One of the doctors wiped sweat from his brow. "C-section!" He called out to the others. "Get her to theater four!"

I froze in terror. They were going to cut her open. Yes, now I knew for sure that something was wrong. A strangled cry escaped my lips as they took her away on the stretcher, racing towards another room. A doctor held me back when I tried to chase after her.

In the end, all I could do was sit next to the door she had disappeared into, and hope they would both be okay.

I sat with my knees to my chest as I willed myself not to cry.

With shaking hands I took out my phone. I couldn't do this alone; and neither could Evelyn. We needed our friends and family. She needed support. And to be honest, with all that was going on, so did I.

I texted my mother, telling her to come to the hospital and to tell everyone else as well.


I'll give you a clue; one of them dies. But which one? The baby, or Evelyn? 

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