Chapter 16 - The Blood Of The Enemy

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Oliver's POV


Marilyn was just marching off the stage, to find Oliver and I cheering for him as we held hands at the side. He grinned and engulfed us in a group hug. He was sweaty with the exertion of the concert, but no one seemed to notice; nor care. After all, it had been the first show of the tour.

We had picked up the tour bus, along with Marilyn's friends who were playing the instruments, three crew members, the tour manager, and the booking agent. Although the latter wouldn't be staying with us for very long.

As we piled back onto the tour bus, Marilyn wanted to celebrate at a bar. It seemed like whenever he was on tour he felt nineteen again. But when we asked what we would do, he said we could come, as long as we went back to the tour bus before twelve and avoided looking for him.

"Wait, why can't we look for you again?" Evelyn asked confused, as we walked off the bus at the bar.

Marilyn chuckled. "Because I don't want my daughter watching me trying to get laid."

"Well at least your straight up about it." I said. "So you'll be avoiding us then?"

"Yup. I'm going into the next door bar." He replied. "Be safe. Don't let anyone rope you two into an orgy. Don't drink to much–"

Evelyn blushed. "Dad we'll be fine." She linked our arms together. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Okay." He said, anxiously letting us go, watching us enter the bar before leaving for the next one.

The surroundings weren't unfamiliar to Evelyn and I; we had been at many bars before, for concerts and such. We'd just never come for this intention. To drink. And maybe dance, a little. If we could even find a space amongst the grinding bodies. It looked so tight on the dance floor, like no matter how hard you tried, you were always grinding on someone.

Evelyn was all dressed up too, causing other guys to give her second glances, instead of their eyes just passing over her.

I pulled her closer to my side as someone winked at her. Luckily she didn't notice them.

What I didn't realize, was that I was scowling, warding away anyone who even dared to think about her, let alone look at her. She was mine.

"Oliver." Evelyn said, laughing nervously. "Stop. You look like your going to kill everybody."

"I might have to, if they keep looking at you like that," I growled, as yet another man raked his eyes over my Evelyn.

Evelyn blushed. "It's just what guys do. Why don't you kill all those blondes giggling and looking at you."

"Huh?" I averted my attention from the men, and noticed a bunch of girls in the corner. They were giggling. And they were looking at me. One of them waved to me, so I waved back politely.

Evelyn grabbed my hand and firmly shoved it down. "Your mine." She said lowly.

"Ohh that's sexy." I smirked, as I rested my hand on her thigh.

She blushed. "Shut up."

We got some drinks then, deciding to leave it up to the bartender as to what we were having. We had no clue what we wanted. They said they would pour us one of their special drinks or something, which sounded good to us.

Moments later, we were both given a glass each. I sipped at the cup and found I liked the slight burning sensation as the liquid slid down my throat. Evelyn seemed to like it too. We wanted to make it last though, so we paced ourselves carefully.

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