Chapter 11 - E and O

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Evelyn's POV

Next Week - Saturday

I woke up with a grin stuck on my face. Today was my birthday! And Halloween! My favourite two days of the year, rolled into just one day. The night was for tricks and the day was for treats; my dad always said.

Last night, I had barely been able to get to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow, and how things were going to pan out. I knew there was something going on that I didn't know about.

And, I had nervously been wondering if Oliver had remembered it was my birthday.

I'd dropped a few hints. I didn't care if he didn't get me anything, just him remembering, and saying 'Happy Birthday' with a big smile on his face would make my day.

Just as the thought left my mind, my door suddenly burst open. Oliver, Lee, Nicholls, and my dad tumbled into the room, cursing as they tripped over each other and ended up in a heap on my floor. I laughed; I don't think they meant for that to happen.

"You didn't see anything..." Lee said as he dragged everyone else back outside.

They closed the door and tried again. Oliver was the only one to fall over this time. And not onto the floor - right onto my bed. He got up sheepishly.

"Happy birthday!" He exclaimed, after everyone else had said it in unison. I chuckled.

"Happy birthday to you too." I beamed jokingly.

Lee looked at his wrist, although there was no watch there. "Come on Oliver! We have to get going if you want to fit all your plans in!"

"Our plans." He corrected with a blush.

He left me wondering; were they just his plans, though?

Oliver pulled my blankets off, and my father scooped me up over his shoulder. They started taking me out of my room, even though I hadn't changed, and I was wearing no makeup.

"Where are we going?" I laughed lightly.

"You'll see." Oliver replied with a smile.

We got into the car, with my father driving. We all wanted to sit in the back, so I was using Oliver as my throne. I knew it was a very couple-like thing to do, but he didn't seem to mind, playing it off as something causal; just a joke because there was four people and three seats.

Lee and Nicholls couldn't stop calling Oliver a human chair.

We kept up the excited chatter, before my dad abruptly interrupted us. "Do we have to wait until we get there to give her the presents, Oliver?" He asked in a whiny voice, as if he were the child and Oliver was the one in charge.

"Yes." He said firmly.

My dad sighed, turning his eyes back to the road.

It wasn't long before we got to 'there.' As I climbed out of the car, Oliver scooped me up in the same way my father had before; backwards over his shoulder. I had a feeling I was going to be carried everywhere today. I couldn't deny I loved the feeling of depending on Oliver though...

My eyes adjusted to the sun, and I looked to the shop we were walking into.

IHOP! They were taking me to IHOP for breakfast!

I almost screamed as we sat down, and I got the chance to inhale the heavenly smells of paradise. Lee and Nicholls placed four gift boxes on the table. One from each of them.

"Aw, thank you guys." I said, looking away before I got to emotional.

It was only morning and this was the best birthday I'd ever had. Most years they were spent at home alone with my dad.

"Open them!" Oliver urged, nudging me.

I took the first present into my hands. It was from Nicholls. I knew from the shape that it was a box of Favorites. Anyone else would have thought it was a lazy gift, but I loved chocolate so I didn't care. However, when I opened it, there was a note attached to the side.

"Gotcha." I read it aloud. I chuckled, realizing it wasn't Favorites.

It ended up to be a Slipknot poster, rolled up inside the Favorites box, along with their new album. I thanked him and then opened Lee's.

Lee's was a funny one. Two maracas and a sombrero, referencing the first time we met, and he had made an awkward joke about the two items. I had been the only one to laugh, out of courtesy for his feelings.

Then I took my dad's present and opened it carefully. It was a shoe box. Suddenly I started hyperventilating.

I usually never got this excited over shoes, but I was sure he had bought me the ones I had been wanting for the entire year, and they were just so awesome I couldn't help myself.

"Calm down." Oliver joked.

Unable to hold in my excitement, I tore the box open. Yes! It was them! I gasped in delight, but looked down to my feet in dismay. I couldn't put them on due to my oneise. I didn't care; as long as I had them.

They were a metallic silver color, with a black platform at least an inch high. They were styled as combat boots, reaching to mid-calf level. Then there was a black patch sewn onto the side that read in white writing; 'Made in Hell.' They were so cool. I loved how different they were.

"Moonwalker." Lee coughed.

"I'll proudly be a moonwalker if I get to wear these." I replied. "Thanks dad."

He brought me in for a quick one armed hug over the table. When I looked down again, the last present was gone. I looked to Oliver puzzled. He had the present in his hands. It was the smallest of all; but the one I seemed to care about the most.

He handed it to me and our hands brushed. I trembled at our brief contact. Why was I so nervous? I was the one receiving, not giving.

I opened his slower than the others, being more careful.

What the wrapping paper revealed was a velvet box. It wasn't small enough to be a ring, which relieved and saddened me at the same time. I don't know what I expected as I opened the box.

It was a bracelet that had two charms on it. I'm not talking like a two dollar friendship bracelet, but a complete silver one.

I had no idea what it meant before he spoke up, breaking the silence with his nervous voice. "I saw it at the jewelers. It's a charm bracelet but instead of putting random charms on it, you get ones that symbolize what happened with you and your friend."

My heart melted as he gave that explanation. "I love it." I said as I wrapped my arms around him, my face burning red. It was just a friendship bracelet, but for some reason it felt like so much more.

"Mine's a necklace." He said, taking a long silver chain out from where he had been hiding it, under his hoodie.

We both had two charms. One was a music note, which I had two. He also had and 'E' on his necklace. I had an 'O' on my bracelet.

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