Chapter 7 - Sweet, Sweet Ignorance

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Evelyn's POV


Sunday. Today I had to go home, but I decided to leave that until later, hoping my dad would get back after I did. I wanted to savor the rest of the day with Oliver. He didn't seem to mind. We had been having so much fun; and no, not in the sexual way!

We were going through his wardrobe, looking at all of his old things. I found a picture of him when he was little. He was desperately trying to snatch it from me before I could look, but I saw it anyway. It was really cute; he must have been around the age of five, there was half a piece of cake in his hand, and the rest smeared around his mouth. 

"Hey! All my old teddies are on the top shelf!" He exclaimed. 

Then he pulled down the cutest bear I had ever seen. It wasn't unlike the onsie Oliver had been wearing earlier, the same features showed, except for it was white instead of orange. I grabbed the teddy from him, wrapping my arms around it. 

"Give it back." He whined. "That was my favourite teddy when I was little."

I smiled cheekily, shaking my head. "No."

Then he launched himself towards me, and I only just had enough time to shove the teddy behind my back as he grabbed for it. I held it up, behind me, far back so as he would have to reach past me to get it. Instead of trying to go around me, my heart pounded faster as he stepped closer, leaning against me as he tried to reach it. 

I didn't hear the car pull up outside my house. 

Oliver was still struggling to reach it, pressing himself further against me in his attempt to get the bear. Just as he was about to get it-

"Evelyn Monroe Manson!" My father's voice rang out from my bedroom window. "Get over here right now!" He yelled. 

Both of our heads darted toward the window. My father was standing there with his arms crossed, an expression of disbelief on his face. He couldn't see Oliver reaching for the bear. All he could see through the window was him up against me. I blushed. 

"O-Okay." I called back to him nervously as he turned away from the window, presumably to meet me at the door. 

For a moment Oliver stayed as he was, not moving, my body still flush against his, even though he was no longer reaching for the bear. Then he moved abruptly as the smile on his face slowly dropped. 

"Sorry." He mumbled. "About your dad, I mean."

"It's alright." I replied as I handed him the bear and started to collect my things. 

Once I was finished repacking, I slung my bag over my shoulder and turned to say goodbye to Oliver. He had a unicorn teddy on his shoulder and a pout on his face. "Do you have to leave?" He asked. 

I chuckled. "Unfortunately, yes." I said. "So I'll see you tomorrow."

"What? No way. I'm walking you over to your house before you say that." He grinned.

"Even in the face of death?" I asked, referring to my father, who was probably assumed we were more than friends by now. 

"Even in the face of death." Oliver confirmed. Then he handed me the teddy bear we had been fighting over a few minutes ago, a lopsided smile on his face. "You can keep it."

Before I could even say no, he shoved it into my hands, and walked out the door in front of me. I trailed after him, hiding the blush on my face. He gave me a teddy! It was so cute. Cliche, but cute nonetheless. 

We walked side by side to my house, and once we were close enough to be in the view of the front windows, my dad opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. 

Uh oh.

"So, is he your boyfriend now then?" My dad asked gruffly, talking about Oliver as if he weren't there. 

"Nope." I said, trying to sound casual. "You saw wrong before. We were fighting for a teddy, that was out of your sight because of the window." I explained. 

He eyed Oliver. "Is that the teddy?" He asked as he pointed toward the one in my hands. 

Oliver nodded sheepishly. "Yeah."

"Alright..." My dad said. "Scram, boy. And you, get inside." 

Then Oliver did something bold; right in front of my father. He smiled, showing his boyish dimples, and gave me a quick one armed hug. "See you tomorrow." He said. 

"Bye!" I said as he started to walk off. There was a dazed look on my face. Oliver and I rarely hugged, but when we did, my heart always raced and a warm feeling spread through me; one that could only be described as sitting down by the fire after being outside in the cold snow.

I loved it. 

My dad watched him leave. "He is your boyfriend, isn't he?" He asked worriedly, breaking his stony demeanor as we both walked inside. 

"I promise he's not. We're just good friends." As I said that, I looked him right in the eye, assuring him his deepest fears and my wildest dreams weren't true. 

"Good! Your way to young for a boyfriend."

Rolling my eyes, I laughed. "Dad, I'm seventeen."

"But in a father's eyes their daughter ages slower." He retorted. "Your still ten to me."

His words were sweet, but also frustrating. What if I did find someone I really liked, whether tat be Oliver or not? I didn't want my dad to disapprove of me, but I didn't want to stay single forever. 

That was when I decided to invite Oliver out to dinner. I would have just invited him over, but there was less chance of my father murdering him if we were out in public. I would get my dad to come too, so that he could at least see what Oliver was like before he went on hating him. I didn't think Oliver would ever be my boyfriend, but it wouldn't hurt to have my father approve of him as my best friend. 

Later that night, as I went up into my room, I opened my window and sat on the ledge. I didn't even need to make a sound for him to know I was there. We talked for a little, joking around about my dad, innocent things like that. Then I brought up the dinner idea. 

Was it just wishful thinking; or did his face fall when I mentioned my dad would be there too, to meet him? Had he been hoping it was a date?

No. There was no chance of that. 

Oh, ignorance was so sweet. 


I think at this point I have one reader. HAI XD

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