13~ Victor X Yuri - If I Remembered You.

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Requested by fluffy--  Thaaankk chuuuuu and I hope it's okieee •3•
*btw your comments omg. I dIeD*


3 weeks ago:

"Don't even ask how, but I got Yurio to look after Makkachin while we're out for the night."

"Really?! That's great. Thanks Victor."

The slightly shorter, dark haired male smiled as he took both of the grey haired males hands in of his.
"I love you." Yuri let out.
"I love you too."

They stopped at a corner shop at the side of a street.

"I'll wait out here. It's too cold in the with the air conditioning." Yuri said, shivering at the thought of the cold air raining down on him.

"Okay. You want anything?"

"Just a drink. Thanks."

Victor entered the shop while Yuri waited on the street.

And that was the problem. He was away while it happened.

It was only when he left the shop that he saw what horrific events had taken place.

Even to this day, the Russian still thinks 'what if we had gone in the shop together.' Or 'If we hadn't gone in the shop at all.'


He couldn't believe the image which his eyes were forcing him to stare at. Not even his nightmares had projected something like this. But then again, at least his nightmares were forgotten easily. This however would be etched into his memory for a long long time.

"Y-yes. Hello 119. The-theres been a crash. My boyfriend. He. PLEASE HELP."

The drink Victor had just brought Yuri slowly cascaded to the concrete pavement. Its contents flowing down the street and into a drain.

Yuri's POV
The sweet, yet unfamiliar smell of flowers was what I woke up to. A haunting tune was playing  from a radio somewhere in the sterilised room I happened to be in.

In attempt to sit up, I realise something isn't right. The clothes I'm in aren't mine, and I don't know this room at all. I look down at my wrists and see there are tags and a long tube leading to a bag above my head from my left arm. On my right arm is a plastered cast.

As I try to leave the bed I'm in, the sound of a door opens and a woman with a clipboard pops her head in. She seems surprised by me and calls out to someone behind her.

"How are you feeling? Do you have any pains?"

I furrow my eyebrows and put my hands up defensively as she approaches me.

"Hey! Get off!" Harshly pulling my arm away from her grasp, I stumble to my feet- the drip coming unattached. Not having a clue what was happening I ran out the door barefoot, slightly unsteady from not walking in what seemed a while.

I try to run faster, but my body wouldn't allow it. I fell.

The same woman as before helped me up.

Victor X Yuri {ONESHOTS} -Complete -Where stories live. Discover now