Scene 5 -The New Beginning-

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Setting: inside the Palace (throne room)

Narrator: An opportunity so hard to refuse. Bitterness so hard to defuse. Trystein was so tired struggling to survive in order to live. She saw the opportunity and grabbed it. But then, a once sweet girl became a girl full of bitterness in her heart... who's now blind and deaf to mercy... who's now too numb to feel the pain of the people that are now her people... who's too numb to feel even her pain.

(light's in)

(people are preparing, cleaning but are trying to avoid glance of the Queen) (Guard stands near the Queen's throne)

Narrator: The death of old King Ardon right after their wedding became a way for Trystein to be the Queen. A kind of Queen that the people (pause) love? Nah.. the people actually feared her. For even the slightest mistake (may mahuhulog na something) would cause..

RQ: (looks sharply and then shouts) Off with her head!

Servant: your majesty! Please forgive me. Please. (begging while being dragged away)

RQ: (looks at her as if considering but then she saw one servant whispering to another servant) (dismiss her servants with poker face) (Guard is still standing still. Looking forward)

(Soldiers (3 or 4) then enters hastily and then bow before the Queen)

RQ: what have you for me? Do you have any news?

Soldier (lead): Yes, your Majesty. We went to the place as you have commanded. We saw that the land is in peril. The people are desperate to have food and the King is sick. Her only daughter, princess Mirana, is now handling the matters but as what we have observed, she herself doesn't know what must be done. That is all your majesty.

RQ: very well. (waves her hand, dismissing them) (soldiers bow and then went away)

(RQ then steps out of the throne room) (went her way towards her room followed by guard silently) (as she pass by one door she hears someone talking about her)

Voice 1: what a terrible Queen she is. (exasperated voice) is she always like that??

Voice 2: no one knew. When she came here as the king's new bride, she doesn't talk at all. And then she became Queen. Turned out to be like that. (exaggerated) before, everybody's curious and wanted to hear her voice. Now, everybody's afraid to even hear her voice for all she says is "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

(Mumbling continues as RQ turns and continue towards her room) (Guard quietly observing)

-Light's out-


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