SCENE 7 -The Traveler-

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Setting: Outside the Palace (gate)

(Light's on)

(upbeat music)

(Fides enters as if he owns the whole world, looking side by side proudly. With 2 alalays)

A1: Sir, what are we gonna do here? (serious and curious)

A2: we're gonna make some living you fool!

A1: I am not a fool! (pissed)

A2: Yes, you are!

(starts arguing)

A1: am not!

A2: you are!

A1: not!

A2: are!

Fides: Stop you two! Before I beat you up to your senses! (as if exhausted)

A1 &A2: (shocked and stopped) sorry sir.

F: good. (relieved)

A1: But sir, what is your plan? Why are we in this place?

F: (looking up contemplating. Walking back and forth) (touch his chin) hmmm. I, too, wonder what we are going to do here...

A2: you mean... You mean... (confused) You mean, you don't know why we're here?

F: anyways, what again is our motto??

A1&A2: Just go where the path leads you!!

F: Yes! And I believe this is where the path leads us! So let's just go!

A1: oh! Oh! Are we going to meet the Queen? (nag-aalangan)

A2: I heard she's scary. (convinced not to go)

F: let's see for ourselves.

A1: we might come back running without our heads.. (murmuring)

A2: You bet.

(light's off)

Setting: Throne Room

(light's on)

(Guard enters together with Fides)

(Guard announces the arrival of Fides)

Guard: Your Highness, this is the man named Fides. He seek your presence and allowed it. (went near to RQ) (whispers) are you sure this is safe?

RQ: (stood up and tap the shoulder of G) Don't worry dear. (laugh in her voice) I got it under control. (to F with authority) Come. Why is it that you seek my presence? (head's high up)

Fides: (reverently but with a hint of mischief in his voice) I've come from the great land of Aeous. I came here to see the beauty of this land and if it is possible, Your Highness, that we, in the future, could somehow be business partners. It is of course for your land and your people.

RQ: (amusement in her voice. Walking around) ah! Business (stress) PARTNERS you say. (stopped and look at F) and how would that be.

F: I would like to build an inn in this city. I believe there are merchants like me who pass by this beautiful island of yours and there are no hmmm (considering words) presentable abode for them. You see. If it would please your Highness, I would like to work with you.

RQ: if it would be in this city, how about the people who are living there. what would you suggest I do to them??

F: we can provide work for them. But as for the location of their house, they would have to move of course.

RQ: move?? And where?

F: that, your Highness, I believe is what you know better than me.

RQ: are you dictating me what I should do?? (angry) Guards!!!!

OFF with his.... (cuts off)

F: your Highness.. your highness. (a little alanganin and scared) That was not my intention.. I mean, you know better than me. Better than anyone, in fact.

RQ: (flattered) hmmmm. I would agree to that.

F: of course your Highness. Aside from being the fairest of all in this land, you're the wisest.

RQ: that is, I believe, over the top. (laugh a little and then stop) (serious) enough blabbing and flattering! What's in it for me?

F: well, it's 50 – 50 Your Highness. 50 percent of the profit for you and for me.

RQ: (disbelief) I own the land! Don't you think, I should get more?? (shouts)

F: Indeed Your Highness! Then it's 60 – 40?

RQ: ha! I think that's not enough. Don't you?

F: yes your Highness. 70 – 30.

RQ: done! Make the building quick!

F: and what about the people?

RQ: do what you think is fit.

F: Then, I will say my farewell Your Highness. I have a work to do. (bows and exit)

RQ: (majestically walk back to her throne. Guard went near with a considerable distance) (RQ sits and then sigh)

G: are you sure with this Your Highness?

RQ: Sure with what??

G: this decision and that man.

RQ: hmm (contemplating) there's nothing wrong in taking risks... don't you think?

G: but what about YOUR people.

RQ: They're not my people.

G: you are their Queen.

RQ: Yes I am. And so I can do what pleases me. Right?

G: Do what you see fit Your Highness, since YOU are the QUEEN. (sad)


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