Like Parents, Like Children

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September 1, 1991

"It's the same every year," Molly's loud voice had to be carrying althoughout the station, "Packed with muggles, of course!" She continued to slightly pull Ginny in the correct direction of Platform 9 3/4. "This way, kids!"

Ron came up beside Violet with his trolley, somewhat out of breath because of his mother's rushing. He asked his 'sister', "You excited?"

Violet scoffed at his ridiculous question, "Am I excited? I only reread Hogwarts, A History  three times last night because I couldn't sleep." Violet was practically running her body on the adrenaline that was flowing through her veins. She was going to finally see what Hogwarts looked like, the book and how her older 'brothers' described it wasn't enough to please her curious mind.

"Wait," he lost a little bounce in his step when she mentioned reading, but kept up with the rapid pace, "You read that book three times?"

"Don't be silly, Ron." Violet laughed at his sudden mood change, "I said reread. I've really read it six times." She sent him a small smile before picking up her speed even more to catch up with Fred.

"All right, Percy, you first." Molly gasped out once they reached the entrance, she had her arm wrapped around Ginny's shoulders as her children were about to start yet another year at Hogwarts.

Percy got out of line of redheaded children to stand directly in front of the brick pillar. Without taking a breath, he ran straight towards it and disappeared right when he was meant to crash into it

"Fred, you next."

Fred looked down at his somewhat little sister quickly before rubbing the top of her head affectionately, "See you on the other side, Lilac." She scrunched her nose jokingly back at him and the nickname he's given her for as long as she could remember, even though he rarely uses it anymore.

George came forward to pull one last trick on Molly before seeing her again for Christmas, "He's not Fred, I am."

Fred continued with the joke, throwing a wink down to Violet, "Honestly, woman, you called yourself our mother."

Molly closed her eyes and releases an apologetic sigh while shaking her head, "I'm sorry, George."

Fred walked to where Percy was only a moment earlier, "I'm only joking. I am Fred." Molly shot him a look with narrowed eyes, watching him run at the wall with his twin/ right-hand man almost literally on his heels.

Violet and Ron shared a quick glance at each other. It was their turn next. It was finally their turn, and even though they both had some nervousness coursing through their bodies and minds it was mostly excitement. They were finally going to learn magic. They were going to learn about the magic that they had seen all around their home, they were going to learn the exact same spells that was able to allow their older siblings to finish chores in mere minutes.

But before they could start their new adventure, a voice had perked up from behind them.

"Excuse me." A boy with rugged looking black hair and emerald green eyes came up. A yellow 'HP' was written on his trunk and a Snowy Owl was nestled in its cage comfortably. "Could you tell me how to...?" His question died off as he shifted his vision over to the brick pillar. Confusion was clearly written on his face.

Molly looked at him and back at the entrance to the platform and back at the boy, "How to get onto the platform? Not to worry, dear." Molly nodded over at the last two of her kids, "It's Ron and," Molly paused for a just second before saying the other child's name, and she started to smile even wider, "Violet's first time to Hogwarts as well."

The two kids smiled at him as he nervously nodded his head back at them all while still listening to the incredibly fast-talking redheaded woman on the other side of him. "All you do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best to run if you're nervous." She patted his back and gave him a gentle nudge towards the wall.

"Good luck," Ginny told him in her sweetest voice.

The boy with round glasses took a deep breath and then took off running and successfully passed through with no hiccups at all.

Molly smiled, "Okay, he's through. Ron, you go now." Ron took no deep breath or second to collect himself, he just started running. "Oh, dear, promise me you'll look after him." Molly said to Violet once Ron was through the barrier and out of earshot.

Violet gave the woman who she's sees as a mother a curt nod, "I won't let him out of my sight."

"And make sure your cat doesn't eat Scabbers as well. Ron would be devastated," Molly couldn't help but chuckle at that promise.

"That old rat probably won't even taste that good to Blackjack." The girl spoke as she peered down into her cat's carrier.

Blackjack was Violet's companion to Hogwarts and her eleventh birthday present from the Weasleys. Since Ron had Scabbers passed down to him, Molly and Arthur thought that Violet would feel out of place, and they needed to get her a present anyway. So, while the boys were searching for their school books, they had taken Violet and Ginny over to the Emporium to get her either an owl or a cat. The two girls were having a good time with the newest litter of kittens while the adults were talking with the store keeper.

The smallest black kitten, the runt of the litter, was off to the side playing with a stick of white aspen wood that had a unicorn hair core. The kitten had taken a liking to Violet's wand, he was just simply rolling it back and forth between his front two paws when Violet had picked him up while at the same time, picking the tiny kitten to be her companion. Ginny had thought of the name 'Blackjack' soon after when the sisters were picking out collars.

Molly stroked Violet's red hair from the roots all the way down to the side of her cheek to where her hair had ended, smiling at her, "You're quite the jokester, huh?"

"Fred and George had taught me well," Violet smiled her kind grin and bright green eyes shining before turning and following Ron onto the platform. "Come on, Ginny!" The youngest Weasley quickly ran after her, laughing with her greatest friend once more before not seeing her again for many months.

"Oh," Molly sighed and looked up for a moment before walking herself towards the pillar after the girls, "You should have been able to see them today. They look so much like you two." Tears pricked at her eyes as she absentmindedly talked to her friends that had passed on almost ten years earlier. She took a deep breath and put on a small smile as she watched Violet tell Ginny to hop up on her trolley as they caught up with Ron, "They both have your eyes, Lily."

Nightfall |Draco Malfoy|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin