Pansy Parkinson

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It was the second week of December and the quartet had just signed Professor McGonagall's list to stay at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays. It had been over a month since the first quidditch match and on that very same night Colin Creevey, the first year that was obsessed with Harry, had been petrified in the middle of the night. Hermione and Ron started on brewing the Polyjuice potion the next morning as Harry was still in the hospital wing growing his bones back and Violet slept the day away in her dorm room.

Their plan is to use the potion over the holidays since they discovered that Malfoy was also staying, but the potion wasn't even half way done. So, Hermione had Harry cause a distraction during their next potions class to steal the missing ingredients from Snape's private storage, which included Harry blowing up Goyle's Swelling Solution that resulted in most of the Slytherins having large limbs and/or eyes and noses the size of dinner plates. In the end, Hermione had gotten all that she needed and then some, but most importantly, the potion would be ready in exactly two weeks.

Yet another week had passed and Violet found herself standing next to Ron and Hermione watching Harry and Malfoy face each other in a duel. Lockhart and Snape had gotten permission to hold a dueling club after school in the Great Hall and it already wasn't off to the greatest of beginnings. And of course, to start off the dueling, the two professors had chosen their favorite students to go up against the other.

"Alright! Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy look ready to duel," Lockhart had announced, tweaking Harry's arm a bit before continuing, "Now, the rest of you find partners."

Hermione and Violet had turned to each other as they pushed Ron away and towards Seamus, but before they could match the positions that Harry and Malfoy were in Snape had broken the two girls up, "Time to break up the dream team. Miss Granger partner up with Miss Bulstrode. And Miss Black, why don't you go with Miss Parkinson." Hermione and Violet exchanged a look but shrugged. This could be their chance to get the last ingredient they needed for the Polyjuice potion.

Pansy 'Pug-faced' Parkinson had walked up to Violet. She already had a nasty look on her face as Lockhart called out, "Face your partners!"

The Slytherin had the most murderous look in her eyes as she pulled her wand out and snarled to Violet, "You better hope Draco is watching. He'll be so happy when I send you across the room."

Violet swallowed and harden her face as well, "Well, I don't know Malfoy that well, but I think you got it wrong."

"And bow!" Lockhart yelled from his position on the platform, keeping an eye on all the students. "Wands at the ready!"

Parkinson had a stunned look on her face. She obviously wasn't expecting Violet to speak those words. "What do you mean, Black?"

Lockhart had started the countdown as Violet pointed her wand at Parkinson's chest like she had a sword in her hand, "I think he might enjoy seeing you splattered against the wall."

"... three!" Lockhart's countdown had finished.

"Expelliarmus!" Violet said with power and not a moment later, Parkinson was on her back yards away and her wand was on the complete other side of the room.

The rest of the parings didn't even start before they saw/ heard Pansy Parkinson screaming and flailing over their heads. They had all turned to see Violet in a hard-defensive stance, her wand out in front of her and her eyes still on her target.

"Well done, Miss Black!" Lockhart had begun clapping with the rest of the room following his lead. "You really do have a gift with Charms!"

Violet blinked a few times as her dueling stance had softened. She looked over at Hermione who was cheering and jumping on her the tips of her toes. Ron and Harry were giving her thumbs up before Snape had forced the hall to be quiet and start again.

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