The Hooded Figure

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The Weasleys, Harry, Violet, and Hermione all arrived at King's Cross Station fifteen minutes before 11 o'clock, and even though they were early, Platform 9 ¾ was as busy as ever with all the new and old students going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The moment they crossed through the barrier, the Weasleys started to wander off, doing their own things. Percy spotted his girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, and ran off to join her. Fred and George tried to sneak away with their luggage before Molly could check it one more time. And Ron was in search for an empty compartment for him, Violet, and Harry. Ginny would have joined them, but she went off when she found a friend of hers.

Steam started to flow from the train, the last sign for everyone to board as it was only a few minutes until 11. Violet and Hermione grabbed their cats from their carriers as they hopped onto the train, waving back to Arthur and Molly one last time before going to find their seats for the long ride to Scotland.

They were about to walk away from the windows and other students saying goodbye when the four heard Molly yelling for Ron.

"Ron. Ron!" She was holding Scabbers in front of her, trying to push through parents as the train slowly started to move on the tracks. Ron leaned out the window to grab his rat as Molly continued to yell, "Don't lose him! Violet, keep an eye on those two!" The two redheads nodded their heads at their mother and waved for a final time as she was able to catch her breath.

The quartet and three of their pets started their search for an empty room as Harry resumed his story about his wicked Aunt Marge, "I didn't mean to blow her up. It was an accident."

Violet tucked Blackjack closer to her chest, stroking his back as she tried to pass classmates without bumping them, "You lose control?"

Harry nodded as Ron blurted out, "Brilliant."

"Honestly, Ron, it's not funny," Hermione chimed in. "Harry was lucky not to be expelled."

The four continued to shuffle their way past seats, hoping to find an empty one to themselves as Harry said, "I was lucky not to be arrested."

"I still think it was brilliant," Ron commented as Violet turned her head over her shoulder to shoot him a narrow glance.

"Of course, you do. You think everything is brilliant."

Ron scrunched up his face, "I do not. Spiders aren't brilliant."

Violet just sighed and faced forward again to look into rooms. Her heart and her feet almost stopped when she made eye contact with a pair of grey eyes behind some glass. Draco was sitting next with a couple Slytherins that Violet didn't recognize who were all talking adamantly. He had his hair different. It wasn't in the same slicked back, gelled style that it was in for the past two years, instead it was loose and parted off to the side. He also wasn't wearing an expensive looking outfit that only the best of galleons could buy, but a simple black pullover hoodie and a pair of jeans.

The two kept their gaze on each other until Violet decided to be a bit braver and send him a small closed lip smile with a quick lift of her hand, creating one of the simplest waves. If Violet was going to believe what Ron said at the end of last term about Draco trying to be a better person, she should at least try as well and give him a chance.

Draco's eyes widened as he blinked a few times before returning the gesture with his pale cheeks turning one of the lightest shades of pink Violet's ever seen.

"Come on," Hermione's voice broke Violet away from her somewhat trance, "Everywhere else is full."

They were at the very end of the train and this was the only compartment that could fit all of them since there was only one occupant who looked like he was fast asleep next to the window. Harry, Ron, Violet, and Hermione checked on the threshold. The Hogwarts Express was usually reserved for students and they had never seen an adult there before, except for the witch who pushed the food cart.

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