To Surrey and Back

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The summer had passed by the Burrow quickly. Violet spent most of her time with the twins practicing her flying skills over the fields and hills around the place since she planned to try out for the open chaser position on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Fred and George spent most of their time trying to scare her about their captain, Oliver Wood, who was completely obsessed with their team and practice sessions, but nothing was getting to Violet. Especially when she received a letter from Hermione saying that she had heard a rumor that third year Katie Bell would be trying out for Chaser as well, even after being on the team for only a year and then getting a bludger to the back of the head during a match with Slytherin. Violet was determined to get the spot on the team.

When Violet wasn't on her broomstick, she was with Ginny helping her and giving her advice for her first year at Hogwarts.

"Don't worry, Ginny," Violet comforted her little sister and rubbed her back as she started to tear up. The twins had just told her the same fake story they told Ron about the Sorting Hat. "They're just being gits. There is nothing to fear about the Sorting Hat. It literally is just a hat that is placed on your head, the only thing that may possibly freak you out is that it speaks. But only to you, no one else can hear what it says."

Ginny hiccupped and wiped at her eyes, "Really?"

Violet gave her a slight nod, "And you want to know a small secret?"

Ginny gave out a slight gasp and nodded her head violently. Ginny adored Violet, even though they were only a year apart, Ginny had always taken to Violet and Violet did the same to Ginny. Violet never tricked or messed with Ginny like the boys had, the worst she ever did was tease but it never crossed a line.

Violet smiled and stood up to look out the doorway to see if anyone was lurking in the hall, she lightly closed the door as she went back to Ginny's bed to sit crisscross. Ginny mimicked her, she was basically bouncing with excitement as their knees were brushing against each other due to the excitement Ginny now had.

"The Sorting Hat actually takes your opinion into consideration," Violet whispered.

"No way. Really?"

Violet nodded her head as she continued to explain, "I was afraid that I would be in a different house than the boys, the Sorting Hat was about to place me into Hufflepuff but changed its decision to Gryffindor."

Ginny slowly nodded before expressing her thoughts, "Okay, I'm definitely not afraid anymore."

Violet let out a small chuckle as she rose from Ginny's bed and rubbed her head, "There was nothing to be afraid of in the first place. I'll be with you on the train and the moment you get off I show you who Hagrid is, and he'll take you across Black Lake, which is beautiful by the way. Then you'll be led in through the back of the castle and then you'll be sorted into your rightful house." Violet leaned over to place a kiss on Ginny's now messed up fire like hair and opened the door to leave, not before popping her head back into the room for one final sentence, "Which will be Gryffindor, I know it."

The two girls shared that conversation just hours before Violet had received yet another letter from Hermione. Violet and Hermione had been sending owls to each other every week of the summer. Violet wrote about her practicing for the Chaser position and a few minor spells while Hermione told her about all the books she has read and all the spells she had tried, along with a few stories of her parents' work as dentists.

In Violet's last letter, she had asked Hermione if Harry had answered any of her letters since he hadn't written back to either her nor Ron.

As Violet entered her own room, she saw Errol, the family's owl, perched on her desk with a letter addressed for her in his beak. It was from Hermione. Right as Violet took the letter from him, he tried his best to quietly leave the room, his eyes were staring in the direction of a sleeping Blackjack on Violet's bed. But with Errol being Errol, he tripped getting out of the window and fell through it, awaking Blackjack with a jolt.

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