A Closed Gateway

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It was the morning of the day that the young wizards needed to get on the train to start their term at Hogwarts, and even though Molly had woken everyone up at dawn they were still scrambling to get things packed and ready to go.

As everyone was making sure they had the correct pair of socks and all their textbooks in their trunk it was Violet's job (with Harry's assistance who was just very confused at the situation) to fit everything in the small Ford Anglia.

Every year, Violet liked to try and see if she could use the power of puzzle strategy to get everything to fit nicely without the help of magic, but for the past couple of years, magic was almost needed immediately. And this year, Violet most definitely won't be able to accomplish her personal goal with it being Ginny's first year and Harry being a guest at the Burrow, bringing the total to nine people, large seven trunks, two owls, one black cat, and a garden rat.

Violet just sighed as she reached up to close the trunk of the car after getting everyone's personal belongs and the owls inside, "Yet another year and I didn't complete my goal."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at her and asked, "How many times have actually done it?"

Violet bit her lip and looked down at her feet just as Blackjack walked up to her and started weaving in between her legs, purring. Violet sheepishly mumbled, "Once," picking up Blackjack and walking away as Harry stood there laughing. "Don't tell Mum, she doesn't like when we use magic on the car," Violet called back over her shoulder.

When at last they were all in the car, Molly glanced into the back seat, where Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy were all sitting comfortably side by side, and said, "Muggles do know more than we give them credit for, don't they?" She, Violet, and Ginny got into the front seat, which had been stretched so that it resembled a park bench. "I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside, would you?" Violet looked over her shoulder at Harry, who was trying his best to not laugh, and placed a finger over her lips with a small smile as well.

They had reached King's Cross Station at exactly quarter to eleven due having to turn the car around and head back to the Burrow for forgotten things. Everyone had to scramble to get trolleys and run to the brick pillar that successfully hid platform nine and three-quarters.

As they reared close to the entrance, Molly called out to Percy who was in front of the family and Harry, "Percy first." Molly glanced over at the clock which told them that they only had five minutes to get onto the platform. Arthur had gone next with George and Fred following suit.

"I'll take Ginny and you three come right after us," Molly told Harry, Violet, and Ron, grabbing Ginny's hand and setting off. In the blink of an eye, they were gone.

"Let's go together, we've only got a minute," Ron said to Harry, he then turned to Violet, "You go first, we all can't fit at once."

Violet nodded as she made sure Blackjack was secured on top of her trunk before she took a breath and started at the wall. When she had successfully made it through, she just kept going without looking behind her, confident that the two boys were right after her.

She had dropped her trolley off right as the worker was about to close the cargo. She quickly apologized to the man who gave her a dirty look and opened the door back up.

Violet had scooped Blackjack into her arms just as Hermione had popped her head out of a window, "Violet! Hurry up!" Violet climbed up the steps into the train with Blackjack who was just chilling out and cuddling into Violet's chest, oblivious to all the stressful events that had just happened.

On the way to the compartment Violet saw Hermione stick her head out the door as she saw Ginny who seemed to be making friends already. The two had waved to each other as Violet passed by, deeming Ginny was doing well enough on her own.

"Hi," Violet greeted her friend breathlessly as she pulled open the door as placed Blackjack on one of the cushions to then fall into a seat across from Hermione next to the window.

"Good morning to you, too," Hermione laughed as the scene outside the window started to slowly move.

Violet let out a large groan as she fixed herself in her seat to sit up straight and describe her morning, "We were okay with time, yeah, we might have been like five minutes behind schedule, but then we had to turn back for Fred's broomstick. We then made it halfway for Ginny to freak out about leaving her diary behind and had to turn back again. So, we made it to the entrance with five minutes to spare." Violet paused for a moment and watched the people turn to blurs faster and faster. "The boys and I only had one minute to spare before it closed."

The two were quiet for only a single beat before they had jumped up and started searching the other compartments and asking around if anyone had seen either Harry or Ron.

"How did they not get on?" Violet asked as she closed yet another compartment who had answered no to her question. "We had exactly one minute. The second hand had just started on the last minute. How did I get on and they didn't?"

Hermione reached out to rub Violet upper arms to calm her and her mind down, "It'll be okay. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley are still at the station. They'll find them. And if worse case scenario, they have Hedwig and can send a letter."

Violet took a deep breath through her nose and out her mouth, "You're right. They'll be fine." Hermione had given Violet a single, diligent nod as she threw an arm around Violet's shoulders leading her back to the compartment they had claimed for the trip. "They are such idiots."


Violet and Hermione had reached a quiet moment in the long train ride when conversation had died down and the two were just lost in their thoughts, watching the green fields of Scotland go by. Blackjack had moved from the cushion next to Violet and onto her lap.

She rubbed small circles into Blackjack's fur as her mind wandered back to the day in Flourish and Botts.

Draco Malfoy had noticed her hair had grew. The same Draco Malfoy that had tried multiple times to get her and her friends into trouble, but she couldn't help but see the change in expression on his face when he looked over at her just after talking to Harry and Ron in such a harsh tone of voice. Did he have a soft spot for her?

She also thought about how he couldn't help but smile just a bit when she wouldn't shake his father's hand and when she insulted him at the very end of their conversation when she only saw in shades of red.

Violet couldn't help but touch the ends of her hair, still not quite believing the fact that a boy, let alone a boy like Malfoy would notice such a small change in appearance when her own brothers didn't even notice when she accidently colored her hair blue when she was trying out small spells over the summer.

"Hey, Hermione?"

Hermione had hummed back, telling Violet that she acknowledged her words.

"Do you think people only act evil and horrible when certain people are present or want them to act that way?" Violet asked before continuing, "Like let's say Malfoy for example. Do you think he can actually be nice, but his father makes him be nasty and rude?"

Hermione drew in her brow and sat up straighter, "Vi? Why are you asking this?"

Violet shrugged as she looked down at her cat and started messing with the natural direction of his fur, "I don't know..."

Hermione then rose one eyebrow with a small smirk on her face, "Violet Black, I think you are lying to me."

Violet swallowed and let out a breath, "Malfoy noticed that my hair grew when he was talking to us in Flourish and Botts the other day."

Hermione just blinked and leaned forward to place her elbows on her knees, "He did?" Violet nodded. "Was this before or after his dad insulted Mr. Weasley?"

"Before, but he was being nasty to Harry before talking to me. And when he said that 'See you at school' thing, he gave me a look like he didn't want to be so... disrespectful?"

Hermione just nodded as she moved her elbows from her knees and leaned back into her seat, "Violet, you can think whatever you want about Malfoy, but I can't help but agree with the idea that he could be a completely different person if he didn't have that Lucius Malfoy as a father." Violet chewed inside of her cheek as she listened to Hermione's opinion while rubbing her cat's head with the tips of her fingers. "And I can't but also think that Malfoy has a crush on you."


Nightfall |Draco Malfoy|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें