Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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Gryffindor Quidditch Team, 1992

A week has passed with nothing but talk about petrification, legends of the Chamber of Secrets, and the Heir of Slytherin, and respectively so, everyone in the castle was quite on edge. The dried blood from where Mrs. Norris was found hanging from a torch was haunting anyone who passed since no amount of magic or elbow grease could erase the discomforting message that had an underlying threat attached to it.

One night in the Gryffindor common room while the quartet was busying themselves with Charms homework, the thought of Malfoy possibly being the Heir of Slytherin made its way into the conversation. Hermione had followed by telling them about an idea she had and even after she warned them about the numerous rules that could be broken if they did follow said plan, the other three shut their Charms books and edged Hermione to continue.

"Polyjuice potion," Hemione simply said.

The boy were confused as they shared a look and titled their heads like dogs wait for further instructions.

"Snape mentioned it last week in class. If we make enough of the potion for the four of us we could sneak into the Slytherin common room," Hermione said.

The boys were still confused as to even what Polyjuice potion was when Violet started listing her concerns, "Great idea on using a potion that can change our appearance to match anyone, Malfoy can tell us anything," she shot a look at the boys who were now following along and understanding the conversation, "but can we even create this potion? I'm not doubting your skills, Hermione, but I am terrible at potion making, so how can we even do this without any teacher's guidance?"

"Snape said it was in a book called Moste Potente Potions and it's bound to be in the Restricted Section of the library," Hermione answered.

Violet just smiled as she looked over at Harry, "You still got your dad's old cloak?"


A couple days has passed and it's time for the first Quidditch match of the school term: Slytherin vs Gryffindor. And as Wood was giving his team one of their usual pep talks before a match, Violet couldn't help but think about how she and her friends were going to brew the Polyjuice potion they needed to get dirt on Malfoy.

After Harry had successfully gotten the book out of the restricted section, the four had set up shop in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom since anyone alive refused to enter that specific room and Myrtle usually ignores the living half the time anyway.

Violet and Hermione were bent over the large, moldy book reading the recipe for a good amount of time while the boys were just spacing out and splashing at the water that Myrtle always has on the floor at each other.

And yes, this is going to be a difficult potion brew and Violet isn't the greatest at potions (Snape refuses to even offer the tiniest bit of help), but Violet had faith that Hermione could handle the brewing part of the potion, it was retrieving some of the ingredients that had Violet worried and the overall time it would take to create the potion.

Fluxweed could only be picked on full moons. Lacewings have got to be stirred for exactly twenty-one days. Powdered horn of a bicorn is not exactly available in the student store-cupboard. Shredded skin of a boomslang? Most definitely not available in the student store-cupboard. And the most difficult part: a piece of the person they want to turn into. Violet can't just walk up to a Slytherin and puck their hair.

According to Hermione, the potion will take at least a month to brew, and that didn't sit well with the other Gryffindors. Ron had pointed out that Malfoy can probably attack half the Muggle-borns in that time frame, but it was the best idea they had.

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