Beauty in Others

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The first few weeks of the term had slowly gone by with the only interesting time being the minutes spent during Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin. Everyone had taken to him quite well, and everyone was just happy to be learning something in that class after the year with Lockhart. The only people who had something bad to say about Lupin was the stuck up Slytherins, Draco's old gang.

Since the moment that Violet and Draco shared in the empty DADA classroom, Draco had begun to spend almost all his free time with her. Whether it be in the library studying for an upcoming Potions quiz, which Snape has been particularly harsh with lately, or just spending time with each other in the quiet Astronomy Tower after dinner in the Great Hall.

Draco has been eating his meals with the quartet at the Gryffindor Table while his own house would whisper and call his name to get his attention while trying to break whatever spell the Gryffindors put him under (That was an actual rumor that Parkinson spread after seeing Draco and Violet together the next day sitting in the East Corridor, comparing and sharing notes). Even the faulty has acknowledged the growing relationship between the Slytherin and the four Gryffindors, most particularly the budding relationship between Draco and Violet.

Violet wasn't so sure if Draco actually liked her or not. Just because his boggart father said so doesn't really confirm anything. They haven't talked about the shared moment, let alone the 'I feel drawn to you' confession from Draco. And Violet was actually with that, she was finally getting to know Draco as himself, like he wished to happen, how he wished to be seen for himself without his father controlling people thoughts of Draco.

The two were definitely friends though. They helped each other study and write essays. They knew what each other enjoyed (Charms and Potions) and what they sucked at (Potions and explaining themselves with words). They definitely understood each other. They could just sit in silence and that was good enough for them, to be in each other's presence was just enough on certain days. Whenever Violet had a bad day, Draco seems to always have a Pumpkin Patty on his person and he would silently grab her hand, open it and place the sweet before going on about their day. None of this going unnoticed by their friends around them.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were slowly warming up to Draco, which is understandable since they didn't see his deepest, darkest fear and have a bonding moment. Although they were giving him a chance. Ron seems to be the best of the three so far, and that's only due to what he told his sister at the end of last year, and he sees the way she looks at him when they're all talking at breakfast and he's explaining a dream he had the night before. Violet might say she's okay with being Draco's friend, but Ron knew that Violet would also be completely okay with being more than that.

Violet always loved learning, but classes have gotten even better with Draco next to her or sitting at the same table as her. Divination doesn't seem as dull when Draco is poking her in the leg to keep her awake. Potions isn't as frustrating when Draco whispers the correct way to stir the cauldron in her ear. Care of Magical Creatures flies when Draco gives each specific flobberworm a name and tragic backstory.

Once October had started, everyone's spirits had skyrocketed. Quidditch season was quickly approaching and Oliver Wood kept the Gryffindor team as busy as always with tactic meetings, long morning and evening practices, and numerous drills that would be repeated countless time until perfected. The team was practically the same as last year: the twins were the two Beaters; Harry was Seeker; Violet, Alicia Spinnet, and Angelina Johnson were the three Chasers; and their Keeper was their captain, Oliver Wood.

Oliver Wood was going as hard as possible with practice and tactics this season since it would be his last with him being in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. "This is our last chance- my last chance- to win the Quidditch Cup," he said as he paced back forth in front of his team. "I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another shot at it.

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