Sirius Black Has Come to Town

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Violet was awful at potions. It was probably the reason to why Snape hated her so much. She didn't want to be rubbish at potions, it just happened to turn out like that. She always did her homework and essays, studied with Hermione whenever the opportunity came, and would always try to follow along with someone next to her in class, but every time her assignment would be finished it was never what it was supposed to be.

The quartet just got out of their double potions period in the dungeons and were now eating in the Great Hall for lunch before heading to their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Professor Lupin.

"I just don't understand," Violet huffed as she bent over her potions textbook and pushed away her sandwich in frustration, which just resulted in Ron grabbing it off her plate and started to eat the rest of it.

"What's wrong," Ron asked with a mouthful of bread as the other three broke away from their conversation.

Violet ran a hand through her hair and slid the book over to Ron who was sitting next to her. "What am I doing wrong in Potions? I follow the recipe correctly. I do every step. I even double check that I'm doing the right step. But I still end up with sludge that Snape probably wants to shove down my throat."

"Well, he did make Neville feed his potion to his toad," Harry muttered as he worriedly furrowed his eyebrows at Violet.

The only person who was more rubbish than Violet at potions was Neville. Violet managed to still get all the homework correct and score high grades on her essays while her potions themselves just were muck, Neville was somehow just floating above a passing grade and instead of creating slob he can make the complete opposite potion Snape had wanted.

Violet only let out a noise that was a concoction of fear, annoyance, and just utter confusion on why she couldn't make a proper Shrinking Solution as she placed her forehead against the wooden table.

"Why am I so terrible at Potions?" Violet mumbled as Hermione leaned over the table to rub her best friend's back.

"We can study more at the library tonight, if you want?" Hermione offered.

Violet let out a deep breath as she turned her head to lean on her chin before speaking, "Thanks, but I don't think more studying will save me." She straightened out her back as she took her textbook back from Ron to place it in her bag. "I think I need more hands-on experience. Like making more potions after class."

The other three nodded as Harry spoke up, "That maybe a good idea to try out. You do get good marks on the written assignments."

The four Gryffindors eased back into another conversation topic that didn't relate to potions at all as they continued the rest of their lunch. Ron had even quietly slid Violet a new sandwich since he had eaten the rest of the one she pushed away earlier.

They had started to throw out ideas about what Professor Lupin might be lecturing on for his first class when a new presence had sat down at the table next to Violet.

Draco Malfoy had placed his bag on the floor, almost on top of Violet's, as he swung his legs over the bench. His right arm had the sleeves of his dress shirt folded up since his entire forearm was wrapped in pristine white bandages. Hermione, Harry, and Ron paused for moment before returning to their conversation noticing that Draco was really only there to talk to Violet.

The out of placed Slytherin twisted his upped body to face Violet, leaning his uninjured elbow on the table as his other arm was placed on his lap.

"Hi." Draco greeted with a small smile as he looked down for a moment before he started to fiddle with his fingernails.

"Hi?" Violet responded.

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