One More Attack

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After the girls successfully got Hermione to the hospital wing without anyone seeing her catface, she spent many weeks in there surrounded by curtains as they waited for the hair to slowly fall from her face. Only one person had asked what happened and that was Madam Pomfrey, which Violet answered her question with a 'She was trying to become her idol, but something went terribly wrong' as Hermione just embarrassingly scratched the hair behind her cat-like ear.

Violet spent most of her time keeping Hermione company in the hospital wing, along with bringing her homework when he new term started and shutting down any rumors about Hermione's disappearance when all the other students arrived back from the break. Violet was also trying her best to avoid Draco Malfoy's presence completely, which was going well since she was eating all her meals and spending any spare time with Hermione.

The boys visited Hermione everyday as well but usually only once and always in the evenings, leaving well before Violet. One night while they were heading back to do a mound of Potions homework, they discovered a diary that someone threw through Moaning Myrtle's head that resulted in her flooding the bathroom.

Hermione left the hospital wing, de-whiskered, tail-less, and fur free, at the beginning of February. On her first evening back in Gryffindor Tower, Harry showed her and Violet T. M. Riddle's diary and told the two girls the story of how they had found it. They all seemed to be excited by the book and if it held any magical powers until they connected a few dots:

The book was fifty years old and the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened was fifty years ago.

The girls grew a tiny bit skeptical of the book and warned the boys to just leave it alone, especially after it didn't react to Hermione's Revealer ink, while they continued to think it was most likely harmless and completely unrelated to the events that made the Chamber open all those years ago. Ron soon enough sided with the girls, thinking that it was just a book that T. M. Riddle forgot to ever write in, but Harry thought otherwise and hung on the book for reasons he didn't even know why.

A new day had started at Hogwarts and it seemed like any other day especially since it seemed like the Heir of Slytherin was taking precautions since he hasn't left any sign of attacks since Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick which was months ago. Even Peeves was back to annoying everyone. He was happily singing "Oh, Potter, you rotter..." in the crowded corridors that had a dance routine to match.

Valentine's day had also come and gone with the only disturbance being Hermione sending Lockhart a card and Harry's violent singing dwarf that had ripped his bag in half. Hermione slightly teased Violet about the whole conversation about her that Malfoy had unknowingly admitted over Christmas and how it is 'quite disappointing' that he didn't send her anything. Violet had just scoffed at her, waving her off with a hand telling her to send another letter to Lockhart.

"Oh," Hermione pressed on as she leaned over the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. "Someone is just upset that they didn't get anything."

The two boys had picked up their heads finally turning their attention away from their meals when Ron spoke with his mouth full, "Who's upset about what?"

Violet looked up over her book at Hermione with a death glare which is her way of politely asking Hermione to drop the current conversation, but Hermione ignored it like usual, "Malfoy didn't send his crush anything."

Violet let out a deep breath as she finished her paragraph on the next charm they would be learning and turning the page quite harshly, mumbling, "I'm not upset. I'm just annoyed at you."

Harry swallowed a gulp of pumpkin juice before speaking, "Oh, we're finally talking about this?"

Violet turned another page without reading any of the words on it, "Nope, we are not."

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