Chapter 5

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Mara woke at first light. Mrs. Bumbrake was snoring away in her cot, and Molly was asleep as well, but not snoring. She smiled softly.

Mara was one to wake up early, normally much earlier than this, and Molly would wake up an hour or two after her.

She was glad Molly was sleeping in. She started to dress, deciding to humor Mrs. Bumbrake. Mara managed to put on her corset properly without any help, and slipped on a lavender dress over.

Then, she pulled on her boots, something Mrs. Bumbrake would not be happy about if she were to see, but the dress would hide it. She pulled her long hair into a dutch braid, securing it with a hair tie.

She grabbeed a piece of paper and started to write a note to Molly. 'Hide the trunk. When Black Stache catches us, he needs to not be able to find it. Or make him think it was thrown overboard. I'm going to find Peter. I'll see you soon.'

With a last glance back at Molly, Mara set off to the boys cramped room. Peter, was not there. But James and the other boys were, and she had started to care deeply for them. She considered them her little brothers, and there was no way that she would let any of them be shipped off to King Zarboff the Third.

She sat down next to James, and ran her fingers through his hair. Mara was willing to do anything for these boys to be safe. James started to stir. He looked over at Mara, and sleepily scooted closer to put his head in her lap.

She wasn't sure how long she was there exactly, but she did know it was more than a few hours. All the boys were awake, and excited to see Mara. She hadn't come round in a while.

They all had questions, and she answered all of them, making sure that they knew that her g rounding was none of their fault.

James was also awake, but continued to rest on Mara's lap, not wanting her stop playing with his hair. The door to the boys room opened.

They all turned, expecting Peter to be standing in the doorway. Instead, they found several people, dressed in the Wasp's uniforms, and no shoes. Pirates.

Mara gathered the boys behind her. "What are you doing here?" Mara asked, chin up, as the pirates slowly advanced into the room.

The pirates, instead of answering, rushed at her. She knocked one down with a kick to their genitals, and the next with an uppercut to the jaw.

Though it was mostly out of confusion, she took down three more, before the pirates started to become aware and actually counterattack.

Several pirates, enraged that she had punched or kicked them somewhere painful, took swings at her.

Mara dodged two, before the third knocked her to the ground. She hit the wood floor hard, pushing air out of her lungs. A pirate kicked her sharply in the ribs, before lifting her up by her braid.

Her jaw clenched in pain, making the pirate grin in satisfaction. He tossed her on the floor, by the feet of another pirate, who was quick to pull her closer using her braid.

James whimpered, seeing Mara being dragged away by her hair. The other pirates still in the room, grabbed the boys ruffly by their shoulders, and pushed them up the stairs onto the deck.

As Mara was dragged out onto the deck, she was was quick to spot Molly, being restrained by her right arm, looking completely helpless.

The pirate threw her towards Molly's feet. That was enough to cause Molly to start crying when she saw Mara, beaten on the deck.

Seeing Molly cry was cause enough for Mara to glare at Black Stache, who was making his way to the trunk.

He was about to open the lid, when Molly twisted free, and rushed at him, yelling, "NO!"

She clawed at Black Stache's face, arms, eyes. Anything to keep him away from the trunk. Mara stood, wobbling slightly. She wanted to help, but she got slightly distracted.

Pirates were slipping across the deck, trying to help their captain, when people began looking over the starboard rail. Peter, who Mara had not seen, was flying.

Mara yelled out to Peter first. "PETER! THERE!" She pointed to the trunk. Peter dived, landing hard on the deck next to the trunk.

He wrapped his hands around the trunk, and rushed over to the railing, sliding the trunk over the edge. "NO!" Slank and Black Stache yelled.

It did not fall, but spun lazily and slightly downward. "AFTER IT!" Stache yelled, slipping to grab the trunk. Mara dived in the way.

Stache pulled on her braid, before using it to hurl the girl to the side. Peter leaped twenty feet across the deck, slamming Stache into the rail. His hand slapped the trunk farther away and down.

Stache whirled hands reaching for Peter's neck. Peter jumped backward, over the rail. Molly and Mara crossed the deck, leaning over the rail to find Peter.

There he is. "FLY! FLY!" They yelled.

"I CAN'T! I CAN'T MARA, MOLLY!" Peter yelled, though his voice was lost in the rushing wind.

Peter was being dragged into the water. "GO MOLLY! I'LL HOLD THEM OFF!" Mara yelled over the wind.

"COME WITH ME!" Molly cried out.


No one could stop what happened next. Mara pushed Molly closer to the rail, watching as the pirates ran forward. "GO!" Mara yelled, kicking a pirate away from them.

Molly waited no longer. She jumped into the sea.

𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕆𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 {Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now