Chapter 13

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Mara flew at her fastest speed for hours before she felt herself to descend ever so slowly. She was losing energy. She had to stop to rest.

As the water came closer and closer, she began clicking and squeaking in porpoise. Nothing. She tried again. Nothing. Her feet skimmed the surface of the water. She let out one last desperate click that translated to, "help."

Mara plunged into the icy water, her body, needing rest, shut down. Terrence called out desperately. The last thing she saw was several sleek greyish shapes swimming toward her.

Mara was still somehow awake when she broke the surface. Terrence alighted on her head, calling out worriedly. Mara quickly reassured him.

Her body begged for her to sleep, but she sat up, and took a good look at the creatures that had saved her. Porpoises.

She began to click a greeting, but one of the porpoises cut her off, with a squeak that meant, "Don't greet us, go to sleep."

Mara let out a little laugh before she nodded her head, and laid down on the backs of the porpoises, letting herself fall into a restless sleep.

Mara woke to sun shining brightly on her face. She greeted the porpoises with a tired but still cheerful series of clicks and squeaks.

One by one, they greeted her back, as well as introducing themselves. There was Alik, Chandra, Iolanthe, and Jett.

Mara found herself happily conversing with them, until her stomach growled loudly. She blushed sheepishly. "Can one of you find me some seaweed?" She asked in porpoise. Instead of answering, Jett dived into the water in search of some seaweed.

It took some time, but Jett returned with several clumps of seaweed in his jaws. Mara thanked him with a few rapid clicks, before she began to eat it with a grimace. She wasn't one for seaweed per se, but she didn't have much a choice.

She offered Terrence some seaweed. He took the bit she handed him with a smile. Terrence, unlike Mara, loved seaweed.

It took some time, but Mara choked down the last bit of seaweed. "Can you take me to London?" She clicked.

"London. Yes." Jett squeaked.

"How long?" Mara asked.

"Two moons more till London is in sight." Alik clicked.

"Lovely. Absolutely wonderful." Mara muttered in English. Terrence sent her look.

The two "moons," as Alik called it, had soon passed, and Mara was standing on the docks, waving goodbye to her four new friends, with Terrence napping in her hair.

The Le Fantome was already there, sailors bustling about. Mara looked around for a minute, before heading off, in search of Kensington Palace Gardens.

Mara knew that eventually Peter would find the house as well. All the way to the end of the docks, Mara had to dodge sailors carrying boxes and crates.

A crate carrying sailor knocked her to the ground. "Watch where you're going, asshole!" Mara called out angrily.

"Mara?" The sailor asked, turning around suddenly.

"That's my na-" Mara started, brushing herself off. "Alf!" She cried out happily when she looked up.

"I didn' know you was visitn'." alf said,shaking his head with a grin.

"I didn't either, but some assholes came to Mollusk Island and threatened Molly and Mr. Aster. So I came here. Peter's here too, but I have no idea where." Mara said.

𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕆𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 {Peter Pan}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora