Chapter 11

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It had been several months since Peter, Mara and the "Lost Boys", as they had taken to calling themselves, had moved in on the island.

While Peter was often found tormenting the pirates, Mara had taken to many things, such as cooking, learning the Mollusk language and culture, spending time with the younger Mollusks and hanging out with the Neverland Mermaids.

Today was one of the many days Mara could be found with the Mermaids. She was having fun swimming and laughing and splashing around with Teacher and Coral, the mermaids she spend the most time with.

Mara had just resurfaced from being doused by a wave of water from Coral's tail when she she heard James call out her new nickname. "Ma!"

The "Lost Boys" had taken to calling Mara, "Ma," because it was a short version of her name, and she was like a mother figure to them.

"Yes, James?" Mara asked, swimming to the shore where James was waiting.

"Peter isn't letting us play with him. He flew off with a mango towards the pirates side." James said, looking glumly at the sand.

"Ohh... That boy is in trouble!" Mara said, about to take off to find Peter.

"Ma! I just want to go with him! Can't you take me to the other side of the island?" James asked.

"Oh, alright, James. Let me just get Terrance, and get into regular clothes." Mara smiled at her friend. She collected her "Birdmad", as he preferred to be called, before waving goodbye to Teacher and Coral.

James and Mara set off on foot through the jungle, chatting idly, while keeping an eye out for "Mr. Grin".

The pair walked on for a while, before they finally reached the bottom of the mountain on the pirates side. It was then, that Mara felt a shift in the jungle.

"James, get behind me." Mara said, tugging the boy behind her.

It wasn't long after that, when two pirates jumped out of nowhere, causing James to scream. Mara whirled into action. The Mollusks had taught her how to use their weapons and several new moves when she was without a weapon.

James was in hysterics, watching Mara attack the pirates. "PETER! HELP!"

Sadly, her attacks didn't do much as James was captured. "Stop fighting, unless you want this one to die."

Mara dropped her stance and let the other pirate take her arms and drag her off. James whispered apologies all the way, to which Mara always replied with "It's not your fault."

She watched as Terrence flew off undetected, glancing one last time at Mara and James.

Mara stood with James, Hook holding onto them with a tight grip. Peter hovered into the clearing, worry etched into his face. "Peter!" JAmes squealed.

"It's alright, James. I'm here." Peter glanced over at Mara in shock. "Mara! What are you doing here?"

"Meh. I got kidnapped with James. No biggie." Mara grinned.

"Oh yes. Your heroic friend is here to rescue you." Hook said.

Peter hovered over Hook's head. "No tricks, boy. If you try anything-like making your little friend here fly- he'll have me hook in him before you can think about it, understand?"

Mara let out a loud laugh. Peter sent her a sharp look before saying, "I understand."

"But did you come alone, boy? Where are the sav- ah, there they are."

Fierce Clam and Running Snail slipped into the clearing. Fierce Clam sent Mara a look that said, "What the heck are you doing here?"

Mara had also learned a bit of Mollusk during her time on Neverland. She let out a series of grunt of clicks and grunts that roughly translated to: "Oh, you know just the usual. I got kidnaped."

Hook dug his nails deeper into her arm. "Jeez, do you ever trim your nails?"

Fierce Clam shook his head at his friend while Hook looked furious.

"Do they understand the agreement, boy? If they approach me, if they so much as take a step towards me, your friends are in pieces." Hook said, moving his hook by James's neck.

"They understand." Peter said.

"Excellent. Now, here's how we do this, boy. You lower yourself to me, nice and easy. When you're within reach, I let go of your friends." Hook grinned.

"Alright." Peter drifted lower, but towards the spring.

Hook released James and Mara to latch onto Peter's leg with a loud bellow. "GOT YOU NOW, BOY! GET THEM, MEN!"

Pirates threw themselves into the clearing. Hook tugged on Peter's "legs". The pants fell to the ground. Peter grinned, still hovering.

Hook in his fury, slashed through the trousers. A really bad decision. To make the false legs, the Mollusks had used fish guts wrapped in animal skin. So, those guts exploded all over the captain.

Mara and Peter doubled over in laughter. Hook lunged at Peter, slashing the air wildly with his hook.

Peter grabbed James and Mara, and shoved them into the spring. "HOLD YOUR BREATH!"

James gripped Mara's hand like it was his lifeline. Hands grabbed at their ankles, pulling them through the water. James screamed, letting precious air out of his lungs.

Mara cursed in her head, pulling James to her, she placed her lips over his, pushing all her air into his lungs.

Mara started to drift into unconsciousness, water seeping into her lungs. Just then, they broke the surface of the water. James sat frozen on the edge of the pool, eyes wide.

Mara turned over to her side, away from James, and threw up the water in her lungs. It stung the back of her throat, and with no one there to support her, she fell back onto the sand, gasping.

The sound of sand shifting caught Mara's attention. "James! Mara! Are you alright?"

James turned and coughed up a little water. "Oh, Peter! I... I'm sorry! I just wanted to watch you have some fun with the pirates, and they... they got me! I'm so sorry Peter."

Peter and Fighting Prawn exchanged glances. "It's not your fault, James. It's mine." Peter said.

Mara began to fade from consciousness again.

𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕆𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 {Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now