Chapter 10

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Mara feared the worst.

When Mara got up, she was relieved to see that Peter had not been stabbed. Instead, it was Fighting Prawn. Mara was still in the boat when Stache and his men leapt into it themselves.

"ROW YOU DOGS!" Stache yelled. "ROW FOR YOUR LIVES!"

Stache grabbed Fighting Prawn, and threatened to kill him if they didn't let them get away. Mara lept up from the bottom of the boat and began her whirl of attacks.

She punched kicked, bit, elbowed, kneed, and dodged incoming blows. Several pirates were shoved overboard, only to be caught by the mermaids.

The other mermaids, were pushing the boat back to shore. Mara had made her way to Stache and Fighting Prawn. The boat was as close to the beach as it could go with the mermaids help.


"Let. Him. Go." Mara whispered from behind Stache.

"Why don't you make me?" Stache grinned.

"Alright. Let's have a bit of fun, why don't we?" Mara looked up to Peter. "Knife. Now."

Peter took Slanks knife out of his belt and tossed it to Mara. "Be careful."

"Probably not." Mara shouted to him before rushing at Stache. She hoped that he would defend himself first, not kill Fighting Prawn. She was right. He dropped Fighting Prawn, and raised his blade.

Mara jumped onto a seat in the boat. Stache and Mara fought back and forth, jumping around the boat. That was, until peter swooped in, and chopped off Stache's hand.

The other pirates ran for the jungle as the croc lumbered onto the sand. Smee wrapped Stache's stump with his shirt and managed to drag him out of the boat and up the beach.

Peter flew over the Mollusks and yanked Mr. Aster's locket from his neck, and circled back around, landing in the boat, where Mara had placed Fighting Prawn's head onto her lap.

Peter fumbled with the locket clasp for a moment before opening it. He dumped it all onto the wound on Fighting Prawn's chest.

Please... Please.... Mara begged whoever was listening.

Fighting Prawn opened his eyes. Thank you. The warriors who were trying to pull Peter and Mara away, exchanged clicks and grunts with Fighting Prawn.

The old man smiled, a small one, but still a smile. "You saved me." He looked between Mara and Peter, who shrugged. "Why?"

"To save my friends." Peter answered.

"I had a bone to pick with that asshole priate for a long time. But I am glad you're not dead." Mara grinned.

"All right then. You have saved your friends." Fighting Prawn said. He said something in Mollusk, which made the warriors release everyone.

No one moved, as the croc was still just sitting there on the beach, but then it lunged forward, towards Stache and Smee.They watched in amusement as Stache and Smee were chased into the jungle by the croc.

Mara was beyond tired. She hadn't slept in two days, and it was halfway threw her third. So she made her way over to James the boys and Alf, with Peter trailing behind her. They all say down to chat for a bit, but Mara ended falling asleep on Peter.

The boy laughed at her soft snoring. Before turning back to the rest boys.

Mara was woken by Peter, who was gently shaking her. "Hey. The Mollusks brought food."

𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕆𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 {Peter Pan}Where stories live. Discover now