Chapter 14

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A maid was standing in to doorway, holding a knife in her hand. Molly began to back away from the doorway, her eyes on the knife in the maid's hand.

"Was the young lady going out?" The maid asked, stepping forward to fill the doorway.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Mara asked, drawing the maids attention away from Molly.

"I'm keeping the lady in her room." The maid said.

"You can't do this!" Molly said, voice raised.

"Can't I, m'lady?" The maid asked, wiggling the knife.

Heavy footfalls sounded on the stairs. "Help!" Molly yelled. "Help! She has a knife! Please, help me!"

The footsteps stopped, then started again after a second. "Help!" molly called out again, the hope leaving her voice. The trio stared at each other, waiting.

The footsteps reached the second floor, then the third. They waited for the footsteps to follow up to the stairs in the south tower, where they were.

Mara listened as she heard a door open on the floor below, then heard Mrs. Aster scream.

Mara pushed past, jenna, and ran down the stairs to get to Mrs. Aster. Halfway down the stairs, She heard Mrs. Aster yell "RUN, MOLLY! RU-" Her voice was cut short.

Mara stopped in confusion, then ran back up the stairs when she saw the shadow guy. He sent a cold chill up her spine.

She heard Molly scream from her room, causing Mara to push harder as she ran up the stairs. She burst into the room, and saw Molly at the window. The maid stood in front of her with a knife in her hand. "I'll take the locket, m'lady." She grinned

"No." Molly said, backing away, straight into her writing desk.

"If you won't give it to me, then I'll just cut it from your neck. I might cut you while I'm at it. Sometimes I'm not to handy with a knife. Mara couldn't make it in time.

Molly reached behind her, and grabbed an ink bottle. The maid's knife came closer, and with a flick of her wrist, the chain was severed and clattered to the floor at the same time Molly flung the ink bottle directly at the maid's face.

The maid shrieked, and covered her eyes with her hand while delivering a vicious cross swipe at molly. Molly ducked just in time for the blade to go right over her head.

Molly ran out the door, only to scream and run back in. Jenna stumbled around, rubbing at her eyes, moving closer to the door. Mara pushed the maid out the door and then slammed it in her face just in time.

Mara fumbled with the bolt, then slid it across the door in one fluid motion. Molly began to search for her locket in the dim light, as the air grew colder.

Molly jumped as the doorknob rattled. Mara and Molly turned to look at the door, and gasped. A dark substance was seeping under the door, spreading outward.

The substance began to billow upward, seemingly shapeless, until it began to shape itself into the creepy shadow dude. Molly screamed again. Molly and Mara backed up to the window. "Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm." The clocked dude groaned.

"Who the hell are you?" Mara asked.

"Why have you taken my mother?" Molly asked.

"I am Lord Ombra. Your mother will not be harmed, provided that you two do as you are told." Ombra groaned.

Molly and Mara exchanged glances, before Mara spoke. "What do you want us to do?" She asked.

From the darkness, a white envelope was held out. "You will give this to Mr. Aster."

"I don't know where Father is." Molly said.

"If you wish your mother to be unharmed, you will find him." Ombra groaned.

"But how?" Molly asked, her voice breaking. "He didn't tell me where-"

"You will find him." Ombra hissed, as he began to glide forward. No, not forward, to the side, towards Molly's shadow. Mara shoved Molly to the side and blew out the candle.

The room went dark, "That was very foolish." Ombra groaned.

Molly grabbed Mara's hand and pulled her to the door, but screamed. An overwhelming chill swept up Mara's arms.

Only a few inches away, Ombra groaned, "Do you think I'm going to let you simply walk out, little girls. Do you think I can't see you? Do you think the darkness hampers me?" Molly pulled Mara back into the room.

"Jenna." Ombra groaned.

"Yes, Lord Ombra." The maid with the knife said eagerly.

"Come in here and relight the young ladies lamp, so the girls and I can become... acquainted."

"Yes, Lord Ombra."

Mara listened as Jenna moved into the room, feeling her way to the fireplace, where the matches were kept. She heard Jenna shuffle over to the writing desk and the scratch of the match against the box.

Jenna's indigo stained face was illuminated by the small flame. The lamp flared to life, lighting up the room. Ombra glided towards the two girls, who edged away from him towards the window.

Mara and Molly glanced at a pulsing glow under the bed. "Molly!" Peter yelled from outside the window.

Molly turned around. "Peter!" She yelled with joy.

"Look out!" Mara called. Peter jumped into the room, and covered Molly's eyes, and told Mara to do the same.

"Now, Tink!" Peter called once he saw Mara had covered her eyes. A blinding light filled the room, slipping through the cracks in Mara's fingers.

Mara took ahold of Tink, who was about to fall, and put her next to Terrence. Mara jumped out the window, and hovered there.

Peter jumped onto the window ledge, and held a hand out for Molly. "Come on, Molly. Take my hand!"

"But... can you fly us both?" Molly asked.

"We have to try. Hurry!" Peter yelled.

Molly turned and bent down to pick up the envelope before she grabbed Peter's hand and sat on the ledge next to Peter.

Mara watched as Peter whispered something in her ear, before they slipped off the edge and flew off into the night.

Peter was starting to descend. "Peter..." Molly whispered helplessly.

"I know..." Peter whispered back.

Bells sounded from Mara's hair that meant. "They're falling."

"Yes, Tink, They're falling." Mara said.

"Do something. Drop the girl." Tink said.

"NO!" Peter called out.

"What?" Molly asked.

"Not you." Peter said, clearly frustrated.

"You can't fly with this cow holding you down." Tink said.

"Be quiet!" Peter yelled.

"What?" Molly asked again.

"Nothing! I mean, not you!" Peter yelled.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" Tink asked. She flew out of Mara's hair with Terrence by her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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