Part 3

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I sat up straight, listening intently. His voice travelled off now, and eventually echoed out. Got off clean? I thought to myself. I put my hand to my head, and decided it was time I lay back down. I nearly fell asleep, before his voice, and Renee’s voice were loud and clear from outside. 

“She doesn’t remember. I told her yesterday.” His voice murmured. I clutched the side of the bed, trying to pull myself back up again. “Does she know it was me?” Renee’s voice became softer. I gave up, and flopped myself back down on the bed. “No. Don’t mention anything. The longer she goes without knowing, the better.” Justin said. The door opened, and they both came in. Justin sat right back down beside me, and squeezed my hand. 

“Where’s the pain now?” Renee asked, staring straight at Justin. I crunched my eyebrows. “My head, and my legs.” I told her, unbending my knees and laying them out straight. “Alright, I’ll be back in ten minutes. Don’t try to sit up or move around, it’ll only make it worse.” She told me, her eyes switching to me. I nodded, and she walked out the room, shutting the door behind her. 

“Your mom just left, she’ll come back tomorrow.” Justin told me, grabbing a magazine from under the hospital bed. He rested it on his knee, and started to flick through. “What happened yesterday? What don’t I know? What did you tell me yesterday?” I asked him. Immediately he dropped the magazine and loosened his grip on my hand. “Nothing.” He said, picking the magazine up again and flicking through the pages. “Look, doesn’t she look horrible?” He said, pointing to a picture of a celebrity who I didn’t even know. “Don’t change the subject.” I said, holding my hand to my head again. “How hard did you hit your head? You’re delusional.” He half smiled. “No, I’m not. Your hand is sweating. You’re nervous.” I said, staring him right in the eyes. As soon as he was about to sleep, there was a knock on the door. “I’ll go get that.” Justin said, jumping at the chance to get away from the conversation.

Renee came back in, and handed me a few pills and a glass of water. “Should take about an hour to kick in. It’d work sooner if you just relaxed and slept though. Y’know what they say, the body heals when you’re asleep.” She smiled warmly. I swallowed the pills and put them on the table next to me. “Thanks.” Renee looked at the time, and then at Justin. “Visiting hours finish in half an hour. You might wanna get ready to say your goodbyes.” She said, walking out of the room and shutting the door softly behind her.

“Don’t go.” I said, tightening my hand around his. “I won’t.” He said. “You just need to sleep, beautiful. I’ll be here when you wake up.” I smiled and let go of his hand. “I didn’t forget about earlier. You’re gonna tell me when I wake up.” I told him. He nodded. “Okay.” I turned my back to him, and closed my eyes. “I love you.” He said. “Love you too.” I replied. 

As I slowly drifted off to sleep, I dreamt of Justin and Renee’s words. “Does she know it was me?” “No. Don’t mention anything. The longer she doesn’t know, the better.” Before I knew it, I was sitting up straight. “Are you okay?” Justin asked, standing up. “Get out.” I told him, once again, ignoring every pain in my body. He looked at me, puzzled. “What?” He said, putting the magazine on the chair. 

“You cheated on me.” I spat. 

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