Part 5

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I sat up and stared her for a moment. “No I’m not.” I told her. She looked at me, nodding. “Selena. You’re pregnant.” “Can you give me a minute to think, please. I’ll press the button when I’m ready to talk.” I told her. She grinned nervously. “I understand.” I waited for her to walk out the room, before I started crying. 

Why the fuck does this have to happen, now, out of all times? I asked myself. A million and one thoughts were going through my mind. I’d have to see Justin, I couldn’t not tell him. Even if I didn’t, he’d find out anyway. I’d have to put my whole career on hold, I’d have to explain it to my parents — Justin’s parents. I had little girls that looked up to me, and I’m nineteen and pregnant. This can’t be happening. 

The first thing I thought to text Ashley. We’d known each other for a while now, and I trusted her with everything. I scavenged for my phone, which I found under my pillow. Sliding the unlock bar across the screen, I clicked on contacts and looked under B for her last name. Once I found her, I tapped ‘send message’ and started typing frantically. 

Room 17, Floor 3. Come now. Bring pregnancy test. 

I sent the text, and she replied almost instantly, telling me she’d be there in five minutes. I pressed the button on the side of the bed, and Renee came in. “How are you feeling?” She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, I mean, I guess it’s always good news… But it’s just not the right time.” I told her. She agreed with me. “Is it okay? I mean, after the accident and everything? How far along am I?” I asked, putting a hand on my stomach. “You’re 12 weeks. Baby is fine, but you’re going to have to be extra careful to not harm it by moving around too much. Maybe quitting work now would be the best idea.” I nodded, and swallowed hard. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it.” Renee smiled. She opened the door, and Ashley came running in. “Are you okay!? Oh, my god. I’ve been worrying sick about you.” Renee poked her head around the corner. “I’ll be back in an hour.” She stated before popping out of the room.

I ignored her, and hugged Ash back. “Dude.” She said, handing me the bag. “Pregnant?” She asked, sitting down in the chair. I shook my head, feeling the tears come back again. “I don’t know.” I cried, wiping my own tears away. She shook her head. “Honey, it’s okay. Don’t cry. Trust me, Justin’s gonna help you through everything, you know it’s going to be okay. It’s meant to be.” She soothed. I shook my head harshly, and explained what had happened with Justin. After I’d finished explaining, she sighed. “You know you have all of us here, right? We’re gonna support you through everything.” She smiled widely. I half smiled, and looked at the bag. “I guess I should probably do this now.” I said, finding the strength to get out of bed. She held my hand and picked up the bag. “I got a few, y’know, different brands different results.” I nodded, “Yeah, thank you.” I took the bag and into the bathroom I went. I did as it instructed, and then opened the door for Ash to come in. “Wait with me.” I asked, gripping the sink. She picked up one of my hands and held it tight with hers. 

As soon as what seemed like the longest four minutes of my life passed, I opened my eyes. “No, I can’t look. You do it.” I told Ashley. I turned around and closed my eyes. She kept hold of my hand. “Alright.” I heard her turn the tests over in the sink, and her gasp. She dropped my hand and put it over her mouth.

“No fucking way.” 

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