Part 6

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“No, what is it?” I asked, scrunching my eyes tighter. “You really wanna know?” Ashley’s voice was uneven. I nodded. “Well, no shit.” I laughed, relaxing my eyes. “Congratulations.” Her voice seemed to be unsure whether it was happy or sympathetic. “No…” I said, turning around and looking in the sink. On all four tests were a little pink plus. Ash wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. “Everything’s gonna be okay.” She consoled. I rested my head on her chest, “I have to call Justin.” I said, breaking free from her hold. She raced out the room and grabbed my phone which I had left on the bed. “No. Not yet. You have to figure out what you’re doing first. Tell him tomorrow.” I tensed my shoulders and nodded slowly. “Yeah, okay. I guess you’re right.”

I climbed back into bed and Ashley sat on the edge. “You gonna keep it?” She asked me. I looked at her as if she was crazy. “Are you serious? Of course.” I said, rubbing my stomach. She half smiled and watched me. “How far along are you?” She asked, putting her hand next to mine. “Well, she says 12 weeks. But I don’t think I could be three months pregnant and not notice anything, you know?” She nodded, “You didn’t notice anything?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, and pressed the button for Renee to come in. “I’ll ask her now.”

Within moments, she was back in the room and standing next to Ashley. “Oh, Renee, this is my best friend Ashley, Ashley, is my nurse, Renee.” Ashley shook Renee’s hand and Renee then turned her attention to me. “What’s up?” She asked. I looked at her, and then down at my stomach. “I’m not three months. That’s impossible.” Renee chuckled softly and showed me her notes. “You’re three months.” I read through them, and then looked down at my stomach again. “But I’m not showing. Where is it? Is it okay?” I started to feel worried — this thing was already becoming important to me. She laughed and took her notes back. “It’s okay, it takes longer for some women, nothing to be stressed about. Just relax. Stressing isn’t good for your state right now. Is there any pain?” She asked, checking my body up and down once. I stared at the bruise on my leg. “There.” I pointed. She nodded. “Because you’re pregnant, I can’t give you any medication. But that’ll heal itself. Just sleep, and you’ll be out by tomorrow.” She smiled, and started walking off to the door, before she came back to me. “Justin dropped off some clothes for you, but he didn’t want to come in. I’ll come give them to you in about an hour, I have some others patients to take care of.” I nodded. “He told me he’d come, yeah. Thanks.” I said, she smiled and walked out of the room.

“I’d better get going. Good luck with tomorrow. Tell me what happens.” She kissed my forehead and left straight away. I started to think about Justin, and telling him. How he’d react. He’d probably want proof, and want to work things out. When I didn’t want to work things out with him at all. I was done. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I bit my lip. I pressed my hands to my stomach and felt around. This thing was responsible for what would happen next in my life. My thing. This was my baby. Thinking about my future, I slowly started to fall off to sleep.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —

“Selena?” A hand shook me. I gasped and sat up. “Oh, Renee. Hi.” I said, feeling my heart beat slow down. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. But you have to be out in ten minutes. I thought I’d wake you up. Justin’s downstairs waiting for you.” She smiled. I shook my head. Perfect. I thought. I got up out of bed, and at the side of the bathroom door were the clothes in one of my bags. The ones that Renee must have dropped off while I was asleep. I slipped into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and  some vans. I picked up my phone and bag, and I checked out. 

Sure enough, Justin was waiting at the check out. “They called me to pick you up. I didn’t think you’d want me to be here, but after this I promise to leave you alone.” He said, taking the bags from my hands. I shook my head. “No, no. I want you to come back to my place. We really have to talk.” Justin nodded. “Yeah.” We drove home in complete silence, before we reached my house. He locked the car and took my bags in, and I stood behind him. “We’ll go into my room, come on.” I said, pointing my head to the stairs. He raised an eyebrow, but followed me into my room. We both sat down on the bed. 

“We really need to talk, Justin. I’ve been told that I-” He pressed his thumb to my lips and stared me in the eyes. “Let me talk first.” He said. I nodded and he let my lips go and took a deep breath in. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said, taking both of my hands in his. We both sat crossed leg in the middle of the bed, I leaned back on my pillows a little. “I know you don’t want me in your life, but I don’t wanna lose you. It was one time. I swear, just one time. And god, I didn’t even know what I was doing. For all I knew, she was you. It was nothing, just one night of sex, it wasn’t even making love, I didn’t even know her for gods sake. I just want to have you back. All of you, forever. And I know you still love me, even though you might hate me right now. But you know you do. And I just ne-” This time, I cut him off. 

“Justin, I’m pregnant.” 

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