Part 16.

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Justin let go of my hand and stared at Scooter as if he was crazy. “You’re serious? You’re letting me off? Just cause I’m starting a family?” Justin stuttered, his voice becoming uneven. I think Scooter must have felt bad, probably cause Justin was on the verge of bursting into tears. He nodded sympathetically. “You’re going to need time off to take care of the little one, so, I guess it’s for the best.” Scooter told him. Justin nodded slowly, letting everything sink in. “But I don’t want to quit everything completely. I want to be doing this forever. What’s the difference of us being parents now, or in five years time?” Justin fought. Scooter leaned back in his seat and pouted his lips. “The difference is, you’d be old enough to handle it. And people would actually be happy for you. From what I’ve been hearing, yeah, no ones happy with this.” I felt bad. Justin was basically fighting this for me, and all along, I’d been using him. Justin had honestly shown me that he was sorry, and that he really was doing everything he could to keep me and his child in the picture. I’d really need to start thinking about what I wanted, and what was best for me and the baby. I couldn’t go on using Justin, when deep down I knew how wrong it was. 

“Scooter, maybe you need some time to figure out what you want to do with Justin.” Alfredo interrupted my thinking. Justin nodded his head in Alfredo’s direction. “Take all the time you need, man. Like, you know what I want, and you know that I’m really going through with this. Just think of everyone, how they’re going to feel when you tell them that you let me off because of something so minor.” Justin told Scooter. Scooter stared at Justin for a minute or so, before tapping Alfredo on the shoulder. Both Alfredo and Scooter stood up, and walked out without saying bye. Alfredo mouthed ‘sorry’ before following scooter out of our house. When the door shut, I turned to Justin. I stared into his bloodshot eyes, and wrapped my arms around him. “It’s going to be okay, babe.” I told him. His breathing became heavier, so I guess he was crying. “It’s all going to work out.” I soothed. I felt him nod against my shoulder. “Yeah, it will.” He said, pulling away from me. “Thank you, Justin. Honestly, you’ve been so great to me throughout all this. I love you.” I said, without an ounce of that not being true. He took hold of both of my wrists, and stared me in the eyes. “What are you doing?” I laughed. 

“Do you really love me, Selena?” He asked me. “I swear. I do.” I told him. I honestly loved him, and everything that he was doing for me, was making me want to completely accept him and what he had done. “You promise me?” He asked. I nodded once slowly. “Why are you asking me all this? You should know.” I chuckled. He laughed. “I do know. I’m just making sure.” He smiled. He kept his grip on my wrists, and kissed my cheek. “I do love you.” I told him. “And why are you telling me this?” He asked, smiling again. “I’m just making sure that you know.” 

We basically spent the whole night talking again, and forgetting the drama that was going on. Only focusing on the important things — us, and our baby. We’d picked a few names out, and discussed where we’d put the nursery. I was really starting to fall for him all over again, and the fact that he had cheated became more and more irrelevant to me. I didn’t feel as if I was using him as much anymore, and it felt a lot more easier to be with him. He was so amazing to me, and was treating me the way that he did before all of this happened. For the first time in almost a month, I was legitimately happy. 

“Selena, can I ask you something?” Justin said, turning the conversation in another direction. “Of course.” I smiled, playing with my own hair. “I was thinking, you know, we’re living together, we’re having a baby, we’re in love, we’re you know, starting a family, this is setting us up for life.” Justin stated. I nodded. “I know, yeah.” I put my hand on my stomach, feeling around. “So I was wondering, uh, if you wanted to be like, I don’t know… more than just boyfriend and girlf-” I looked up at him, and cut him off. “Justin, put your hand here. Right now.” I grabbed his hand and pressed it against mine. I slithered my hand away, and pressed it to the other side. “The baby is moving.” I said, feeling my eyes tear up. Justin breathed in heavily, and pressed harder against my belly. “Our baby.” he corrected. He wiped my tears away with his free hand. “Don’t cry.” He laughed. I sat up and pressed my lips to his. “I love you, Justin.” His hands wrapped around my waist, and I pushed him down on the floor. 

“Hey, can you do me a favour?” Justin asked me, inbetween our kisses and his ragged breathing. “Anything.” I replied. “Marry me.”

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