Part 9

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I didn’t know whether to be taken back by his kiss, or go along with him. His lips moved against mine, and I felt my heart start to hammer. Maybe a few minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone. I decided to go with my second option, and bit his bottom lip. His lips moved to my neck, and I ran my hands through his hair. “No, Justin. Stop.” I said, feeling that if I left this happen, things would get to far. 

His hands dropped from my waist and he pulled away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean too, I couldn’t he-” This time, I put my thumb to his lip. “It’s okay. Really. I just don’t want things to go this far, not when I’m pregnant, anyway.” I lied. He nodded, and blushed a light pink. “I understand.” He did up his seatbelt again, and reversed. I bit my lip as Justin drove off, feeling my heart rate come down now. “How long did your mom kick you out for?” He asked, not taking his eyes off the road. I shrugged. I honestly didn’t know how long she wouldn’t speak to me for. “A while I guess. You even said she’d need time to accept the fact that I’m having a baby. God knows how long that will take.” I sighed. Justin put one of his hands on my knee and squeezed it. “Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise.” 

His words flew in one ear and out the other. As if everything was going to be okay. That was a lie and we both knew it. When the world found out about us, when our families did, when our teams did. Who knows what would happen. But I didn’t want to think about that right now, all I wanted to worry about was giving the best life I could to the little person inside me right now. We pulled into the driveway, Justin took my bags, and I took my phone in. He unlocked the door. I wiped my feet on the doormat and took my shoes off. “Welcome home.” He smiled, kissing my cheek. He came up from behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Oh.” I said, immediately regretting saying I forgave him. He really thought that I had completely forgiven him. Maybe him kissing me earlier was a test. “Come with me to the bedroom.” He said, taking my hand. I scrunched my eyes when he turned around, but I followed.

He sat on the bed, and told me to sit next to him. I did as he said. “Lie down.” I raised an eyebrow, but he pushed my shoulders down. He lifted up my shirt, and stared at my belly. “It’s nothing.” He said, poking the side of it. “Hey, don’t do that.” I laughed. He put his hand on my stomach, and felt around a little. “Where is it?” He asked, a crease forming in between his eyebrows. I shrugged. “Wherever it is, you probably scared it away. You have cold hands.” I smiled. He took his hand off my stomach. “Sorry.” I rolled on my side to face him. “We have to book an ultrasound.” I said, rubbing my own stomach now. His eyes widened. They stared into mine for a moment, and then down at my stomach again. “This is really happening isn’t it…” He said, his voice breaking at the end. I nodded. “Yep. No turning back now.” I said, going back to laying on my back. 

“Do you think we should do this? Honestly?” Justin asked me, biting the corner of his bottom lip.  

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