sixteen - someone about one year older than the guy known as hit the stage

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i don't deserve this,

"Choi Youngjae, the boss wants to see you." A female desk manager of some sorts walks into the nurse's station, checks to see that Youngjae is there, and leaves. With a sigh, he stands up from his seat. Mark, whose desk is right besides his, grabs the younger's wrist in order to tell him something.

"Hey. He's a really nice guy who can help you out. I would listen to whatever he has to say to you," Mark says with a bright smile like always, and Youngjae sheepishly grins back.

"I will, hyung. I hope I'm not getting fired." Mark watches in silence as he leaves the room, having a hopeful look in his eyes.


"Come in." Youngjae opens the door slowly to the nice looking office room, greeting the person with a large bow. He's a man, well aged, with some gray hairs here and there but nonetheless well groomed. Youngjae stands in front of the desk with his hands folded behind his back, nervous that he might embarrass himself in front of the big man.

The man, otherwise known as the boss, has a stern look on his face and takes out a paper with someone's handwriting on it. He clears his throat and with his raspy, deep voice, he starts reading it out loud.


I can see that there's many things you can achieve in the future.

Your smile and true-heartedness are enough to charm a room full of strangers. It lights up everyone's mood when seeing that.

So I wonder why you choose to hide that.

You wear gloves to protect yourself from imagined harm, but what if they're restricting you to one place? Just to feel normal?

I want to see you spread your wings, Youngjae.

I think there are many paths you can pursue. The most fitting one of all: a singer. Your voice can handle it. It's beautiful and strong.

I know this sounds gushy. I feel like tearing this piece of paper apart the more I write on it.

I just want you to hear me out, and I'll be honest with you. I think you shouldn't work at a hospital. I can see what it's doing to you.

Please give it one more thought.

And, if you do decide for a change, come by my good friend Im Jaebum's house.

I think he has something important to tell you.

Good luck,


Youngjae was already shedding tears from the middle of the letter. The man places the paper down with a slow and sultry sigh, looking to the young nurse.

"Now, Youngjae, I'm not one to judge of your choices and what you want to do with your life," he begins in an ever so calm voice, "but I've been told by this certain person about your situations."

The man's stern expression never leaves his face, although he significantly softens up when talking more. Youngjae, on the other hand, is trying to wipe the tears that are falling down his cheeks.

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