eighteen - im running out of title names

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why can't i be there every time?

"A room for four hours, five people please."

"Mhm. You can also choose some drinks from over there as well."

"I think we'll just buy some snacks later."

"Alright. Credit or debit, please."

"Got it."

"Thank you. Your room is on the fifth floor, number seven. Enjoy."


Jaebum stuffs his wallet into his pocket and rounds up the rest of the kids together. Yugyeom and Bambam, as always, are shouting and laughing at something in the building, while a girl or two waves hello at Jackson. Youngjae sticks right besides Jaebum for comfort.

"You guys better hurry or we'll start without you," Jaebum hollers from the elevator hall, Youngjae staring at the rather excited others.

"You're paying for our drinks and stuff, too?" Jackson asks with wide eyes like a puppy, as if pleading for him to do so. Contrary to what he hopes for, he earns himself a smack on the back from Jaebum.

"It was your idea to come here in the first place. Be glad that I even brought my wallet."

Almost another minute passes until the two younger ones finally realizes that they were being left behind. They dash to the elevator, just making it in time before the metal doors close. As instructed, the group of five search for the seventh room on the fifth room, passing by a couple of other heated rooms. The doors are slightly open and leaves a crack of vision of the room's contents. Loud laughing and singing can be heard, and plenty of empty alcohol bottles on the floor.

They eventually find their room and, eager to sing, Yugyeom and Bambam run inside in order to plop onto the couches. Youngjae thinks it was a rare sight to see someone so tall and another person so fashionable to act like literal children.

"Jaebum-hyung, start us off!" Jackson hollers as he grabs the large remote and a mic, making sure they function properly. The rest of them, excluding Youngjae, chants 'Jaebum-hyung' repeatedly until he finally gives in and grabs a mic.

As the song is chosen and begins playing, Youngjae finds a spot on the couch to himself and plants his hands into his lap politely. All of his attention is focused on Jaebum and Jaebum only, wanting to hear his singing voice.

You put on poison on your lips

and came to my room, didn't you?

With your kiss, my body and mind

feel like they're going to melt

Youngjae feels like he could fall asleep listening to that sweet voice. Every note that he sings is enough to make his heart flutter; even every breath he takes sounds handsome to him. The posture that he takes when holding the mic up to his mouth seems perfect, in his view, for an upcoming idol.

No wonder he's enamored in the person named Im Jaebum.

Your heart is so beautiful

it makes me want to puke

Why do you kiss me,

somebody who can't do a thing?

Once Jaebum puts his mic down, everyone in the room claps furiously while Jackson adds in some whoops to cheer for him. He hands the mic over to the overly excited Yugyeom and sits next to Youngjae, noticing that he was sitting by himself. As the younger ones start jumping to the fast beat of the song, Jaebum sneaks his hand over to Youngjae's lap and holds onto his smaller hand, interlocking their fingers.

Although Youngjae feels a bit embarrassed about it, he trusts his hyung to be cool about it. Besides, everyone else is too busy singing and laughing to notice.

After a few more rounds of songs, a panting yet still energetic Bambam hands the mic to Jaebum. He rolls his head around to stretch his neck and stands up, holding the mic in his hand.

Youngjae's stomach growls out of nowhere. It most likely wasn't a good idea to skip lunch that day, because now it's been many hours since he's eaten. He scoots over to the other side of the couch and taps Jackson's arm, not wanting to bother Jaebum in his element.

"Hyung, I'm going to get some snacks. Do you want anything?"

"Shrimp chips!" Jackson yells since the music drowns out most indoor voices. To be truthful, he only heard half of what Youngjae said. At least he heard the key word 'snacks.' Nodding, Youngjae leaves the room and uses the elevator to travel down to the first floor.

Once he reaches his destination, he notices that there's a small group of people stumbling around and cackling. Obviously, they're drunk from whatever sort of karaoke party they had. He tries avoiding them as he finds the racks of packaged snacks available to buy.

However, someone bumps into him. Youngjae freezes and turns around to see a middle aged man with a red face.

"Huh? Who're you?"

"...Sorry," Youngjae apologizes, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. The man doesn't let that happen, though. He grabs the pale wrist and grips on it.

"You're kinda cute, huh boy? Wanna come with me for tonight?" the man coaxes groggily, chuckling in a way that made Youngjae feel extremely uncomfortable and scared. He feels as if the hand touching him was spreading disgusting germs the more he makes contact with him. He wants it to stop, but it's not something within his power.

He wants Jaebum to save him.

"Please- Please let me go," Youngjae pleads and attempts pulling his arm away. Unfortunately for him, the man has a strong grip for someone drunk. He peers around to see if any employees working at the building are there, but no one is to be seen.

"Come on, boy~ It'll be fun," the man laughs and snorts at the same time. Youngjae prays for god in mind multiple times for a miracle to save him from this situation.

The elevator dings and someone steps out. That person grabs the man's shoulder and turns him around with a threatening expression.


"The hell are you?"

His face grows even more contorted with fury,

but Youngjae never finds it scary.

"Touch him for one more second and I'll beat the shit out of you, old man."


It's the aggressive side

to the usual kind Jaebum-hyung

that I love.

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