twenty-two - finale

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i have accepted it
once and for all
bring down the gavel
to seal my fate

"Jaebum-hyung, remember how I said I'd tell you more about it?"

Please hello to the audience!

One, two, three-

Come and get it, Got7!

Hello, we're Got7.

"I thought I should find the time when both of us aren't busy."

Are there any interesting facts about Youngjae?


I know one! He joined our group the last and trained for about seven months.

Seven months? That's a short time to already be debuting. Why's that?

Ah... It's really complicated, I don't think I can explain it.

"Jaebum-hyung, do you..."

Yes, what's your question?

Jaebum-oppa! Who do you ship yourself with out of the members?

Who do I ship myself with? Uh...


Is it Jackson?

Ahah- No, no... I'd say... Youngjae.

" me?"

Youngjae-ah, what's the hand sanitizer for?

Yeah. We're shaking hands with the fans.

I'm sort of sick, so I don't want to spread germs...



"Of course I do, Youngjae."


"Are you here to visit a relative or friend?"

"Ah, not exactly. I'm a friend of the boss here, so I came to visit him."

"Oh... Very well, then."

Youngjae pushed the thick, white door that revealed the hallway he was used to. Just as he remembered it, everything was plastered in complete and utter whiteness. With the tiny bouquet of three white roses in hand, he walked down the hallway and prayed that he wouldn't grab anyone's attention.

It was almost as if walking down a hall decorated with framed pictures of his memories, back when working at that building. He could visualize the day when he heard a new patient threw a flower vase at a nurse, or the day when he took his own patient out to see the gardens.

This was the hospital he worked at willingly.

This was where his fear peaked at its highest,

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