Getting Jimmy

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A/N: Hey guys I know that this doesn't exactly follow how the original books went. This is my book, I changed it to make it be the way I want later it will all fall into place please do not hate. XX FluffyEmoKitty 


today is the day, I get to see my husband again. It feels like I have died a thousand painful deaths every day he was locked up in that jail because of Tommy's wrongdoings. I went up the stairs to Hunter's room. He hasn't seen his dad since he was around 7 months old, he's almost 15 now.

"Hunter wake up sweetie we have to go get Jimmy," I told him sweetly.

"Who and why?" Hunter asked sounding just like his dad when he was half asleep.

"Your dad and because he is getting released from jail."

He rolled off his bed and said he would be downstairs in a minute. I went own the staircase and began to cook breakfast for him and myself. He came running down the stairs his brown curls almost past his ears, god he looks like my Jimmy.

"Can you get the milk out of the fridge please Hunter?"

He nodded and grabbed the jug of milk and a few cups and plates. I took the oatmeal and meat to the table. That is the tradition I kept with Hunter, the cannibalism. We sat and ate in almost total silence until our kitten Arabella jumped on the table to where Jimmy's spot should be right next to me and across from Hunter.

"Mom you really need to do something about the damned cat," Hunter said.

He has never really liked her even though she was a present to him from Jimmy before he went to jail.

"Hunter your dad would be upset Arabella is an old cat and she was given to you by your father you will not disrespect him in any way or you will be punished," I told him. Yes, I changed up some of our families traditions but it is what was to the best of my family while Jimmy was away.

"Put your shoes on now please Hunter we have to leave in five minutes to make it to the jail on time to get Jimmy." He nodded and put on his work boots, grabbing the keys. He brought the truck to the porch and I got in it letting him drive to the jail.

Jimmy walked out wearing a black shirt a flannel jacket and blue jeans. I got out of the truck and ran to my husband.

"God Jullie you haven't changed much, but where is our son?"

"Hunter? He is driving your truck." I said and Jimmy looked and started to smile.  

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