First time seeing Chloe

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A/N: Hey please do not send me hate, yes I realize this isn't how the original stories were but this one is mine I am doing it the way I need to in order to get what I want in the end. If you have ideas feel free to post them in the comments, or message me them. I appreciate y'all reading this it means a lot to me. Thank y'all. XX FluffyEmoKitty


Jimmy's p.o.v.

I woke up early so I could make Julie and Hunter breakfast. I went to the kitchen and found some pancake batter and decided on pancakes with some meat. I pulled out two frying pans and began mixing the batter as I fried up the meat. I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs, then small arms wrap around me. 

"Love what are you making?" Julie asked.

"Pancakes and meat. You need to eat before we go and find out just how big our baby girl is getting."

Julie smiles and stands on her toes so she can reach my face and kiss me. 

"Jimmy you are the best husband ever!" Julie says excitedly.

I hug her and make plates calling for Hunter to come and eat. I place the plates on the table as Hunter comes down the stairs. 

"Dad do I really have to go? It's not like this is my kid." Hunter whined.

"Yes Hunter you have to. What if someone tries to hurt your mom during the ultrasound and you weren't there so she got hurt or killed? What if I will need your help?" I asked him.

"I doubt that will happen no one has tried that since Tommy did."Hunter said. 

"Hunter listen to your dad if he said you are going the you are going." Julie said raising her voice slightly.

They may not have had me around but Julie still knows the rules and Hunter will learn even if he has to learn it through punishment. After we finished eating Julie and I went to our room. I handed her a pair of black leggings and a white lace crop top to wear. I threw on some jeans and a flannel while she got dressed. I hugged her after she was dressed, she is so beautiful even more so than when she was first given to me if that is even possible. I walked downstairs hand in hand with her and waited on Hunter. He came downstairs wearing jeans and a Deadpool tee.  We went and got in the truck, Hunter in the car. We drove to the hospital. 

"Julie Wilcox." Julie said to the lady at the desk. 

"Go sit and wait." The lady said.

We went and sat down in the green chairs. It took forever before some guy walked out of a room and said "Juliet Wilcox." 

Julie got up and I followed her into the small room. The man had her lay on a table and put some type of gel stuff on her stomach. I got nervous and held her hand tightly. The doctor pulled out some sort of plastic tube thing and rubbed it all over her stomach. He pointed to a T.V. screen. 

"There is you baby Miss. Wilcox, a healthy baby girl." He said

"Jimmy do you see her? isn't she cute?" Julie asked me.

The baby looked like a little blob, but that blob is my daughter and she is beautiful. 

"Yes princess she is beautiful just like her mom." I said and kissed Juliet's forehead. 

I finally have the perfect family and life. 

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