This is not a chapter

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Hey guys and girls that read this! Thank you all so much!!! I never expected y'all to actually read my trash writing. I am very happy that y'all have read it and actually like it! If you ever need to talk message me, find me on social media, or in person, I will be here for y'all. I am very grateful for you guys and girls. You make me proud to be a writer and you are for sure my reason to write. Please check out my other stories that you can find on my profile it will make me very happy if you would so you can tell me what y'all think of them. If you want a character in the book tell me and I will find a way to add you. Please keep reading and being so supportive of my works and I can not take full credit because without masonfizzy I would not have done this. You guys are the best group of people and I could not have asked for better people to read my book. I am open to ideas for the story if you would like to suggest anything but it is not a guarantee that I will do it. I am gonna make this pretty long and I don't expect to quit this any time in the near future but I might take breaks if I have to deal with personal issues like my depression and shit like that but it will never be more than a week and I might not be able to post as much in the summer because I live in the 60's with no wifi at home and my phone is really sucky so I will try but there are no promises. I got on here this morning and seen i had 30+ notifications and messages and genuinely smiled, something that doesn't happen very often unless I see that y'all read this and responded to it in any way even if it is hate it makes me happy seeing that people are reading this. Thank you all so very much!!  

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